Tuesday, 28 December 2010

How do you tell a girl you love her? may it helps a little bit

  • Straightforward is the best approach. And don't forget that actions really do speak louder than words. So many people carelessly toss those three words around. Tell her, but then back up those words by showing her. Nothing major or elaborate is necessary. Little things can be so much more meaningful than overblown displays. For example, I'll always prefer receiving a daisy picked in the park on a whim over a dozen long stemmed roses bought because he thinks it's supposed to be romantic.
  • You just tell her. She may not say it back, but she will feel flattered that you love her.
  • Anyone can just say i love you, but WHY do you love her? Tell her Why, what it is about her that makes you love her. I know its cheesy but girls love that stuff! 
  • You don't need to tell her at first. Just show her that you love her by helping her do whatever she is doing, take her to romantic places, buy her nice things, the most important things is to make her feel good around you, show her that you care about her (remember that action speaks louder than words), take things slowly, then step by step things will happen naturally. the key point is not to tell her your feelings, but make her feel you emotions and she will express her love to you. Trust me, that is how I won my girl, I never told her anything, I made her feel it, and that is just the sweetest thing.
  • You just tell her how you feel. If it truly love that your feeling than tell her. If your scared or nervous than you better rethink your feelings somemore, because when you tell a woman that you love them, your actually saying that you are laying everything out in the open for that person.
  • If you think that she will be okay after you tell her and it won't scare her out of a friendship, then I suggest you pick an appropriate moment. I would tell her when the two of you are uninterrupted and alone, and pose it in a way that you can make her feel comfortable. Make sure you don't leave it too long else she may not realise and you could lose out to someone else.
  • First start by letting her know you are interested. Then as you get to know her better then you can pick a romantic spot and come right out and say it.
  • Tell her about your feelings and let her know you are in love with her. If she can't handle it and runs away the relationship wasn't real. As they say, "keep it real."
  • Be honest and straightforward. That's always the best thing in relationships.
  • You don't. Let her tell you that. Give her the mixed signals that you like her but practice the rule of three 'C's. Control (for Self-Control), Confident and Challenge. Practice 'Self-Control' and 'Confident' whenever you are with her or on dates. And of utmost important be a 'Challenge' to her. Don't be Mr. Predictable as most guys are as if they haven't seen a beautiful girl in ages. Let her think of you when you are not around. And you sure would get what you want.
  • As a girl, I can honestly say that having a guy tell you "I love you" can be very intimidating, depending on the situation. By your actions, let her know you love her. Do things that she likes to do, hug her when you see her, hold her hand. Girls pick up on that, trust me. I'm not saying that you shouldn't tell her how you feel, because that definitely needs to happen. Just remember that words without action don't mean a thing.
  • You must be really sure of your feelings before you tell her anything. Take her to a lonely place of you choice, any place where the only thing you can hear is yourslef talking to her; grab her hands look at her straight in her eyes tell her how she makes you feel, take it easy step by step don't rush to the "I love you" phrase, tell her what she means to you, don't say you love her, she may freak out just because of the simple fact that some girls are just not ready for those words so you'll be better off telling her how she makes you feel and what you mean to her. After that you may ask her what she thinks of what she just heard from you be a listiner don't speak if she looks at you with a smile and then kisses you and hugs you, don't worry you are going the right way just remember don't rush to the "I love you" part.
  • Personally, I think it pays to be honest, and if worst case, you find out she doesn't feel the same, then at least you will know. Most likely though, she does especiallly if you are already involved in some way. As long as it comes from the heart it will be received in a good way and she will respect your truthfulness.
  • You just go right up and tell her. It's better when you two are alone of course. Remember if you don't try, you never know.
  • I like the buddy thing myself, you should really show her that you will be there for her whenever she needs you, love is something that is felt, and if your friends with her long enough, she will feel that you love her, and actions always speak louder than words. whenever you are around her look in her eyes, you will be able to tell if she wants you to tell her u love her ;)
  • If you love a girl I think you should show her first and then tell her. And don't be an ass and tell lots of girls you love them. Give the words some meaning. A lot of soul searching has to be done before you tell anyone you love them. The easiest way to find out if you love someone is to put yourself in a hypothetical. If you were in the worst place in the world but she would be right there beside you could you still be happy?
  • My ex called me and told me he needed to tell me something, but he couldn't tell me over the phone. He said he was going to come over, and arrived at about midnight. We stood in my porch, he kissed me, put his arms around me, then looked me in the eyes and just said he loved me. Was so romantic and so genuine. It was before I felt the same way, but it was such a strong emotion, and I could tell he meant it -- I felt so overwhelmed I nearly cried.
  • Always remember this thing in life: "Those who are over conscious never gain." So if you really love a girl just go and tell her so. Don't think too much.
  • Just tell her 'I love you' or something very direct like that. If it the first time you are going to tell her that then try to make a nice romantic setting. Doesn't need to be fancy...maybe turn down the lights and light a few candles...put on some nice music. That will help set the mood, but really all you need to do is be upfront and tell her. Many times people stress out over telling their partner they love them. But think about it...this is the person you love. You shouldn't feel ashamed or embarassed or anything like that. Just tell her plain and clear.
  • Plain and simple: be honest and straightforward. Tell her everything you feel. That's the best course of action.
  • Tell her love her by taking her to candle light dinner.dude listen up! the easiest thing to do is just say it. she may not say it back but she will be flattered that you said it. after that act normal and if she loves you back she will let you know eventually. its like a waiting game

Saturday, 25 December 2010

ወሃቢ ሓይሊ

 ተጻወትቲ ኵዑሶ እግሪ ክርስትያኖ ሮናልዶ ካካ። ተጻወትቲ ኵዑሶ ሰኪዔት ሻኪልኦ’ኒል።ሊብሮን ጀምስ ከምኡ’ውን ናይ ቴኒስ። ቅድድም መኪና (ፎርሙላ ዋን)። በይዝ ቦል። ብሽክሌታን ካልእን ኣብኢዶምወድዮምዎ ክጻወቱ ዝረኣዩ ኣብ ዝኾነ ውድድር ስፖርት ‘ሓይሊ  ሚዛን ዝሕሉ በናጅር’ (power balance bracelet)  ተባሂሉ ዝእመነሉ በናጅር ልዑል ተጠላብነት ይረክብ ከምዘሎ ተገሊጹ  ብመልክዕ ካቴና ተዳልዩ ኣብ ክሳድ’ውን ዝእሰር  ‘ወሃቢ ሓይሊ’?  በናጅርወዲኻዝኾነዓይነትስፖርትምስ እትጻወት። ሓንጎልካ ምስ ናይ ኣካላትካ በናጅር ስፖርት ተፈጥሮኣዊሓይሊብኣሉታውንንጥፉን መገዲ ክወሃሃድን ክሰርሕን ከምዝሕግዞ። ንጥፍ። መስተውዓሊ። ተዓጻጻፊን ካልእን ክትከውን ከምዘበራትዓካን መሃዝቱ ይዛረቡ፣ እንተኾነ ተመራመርቲ ስነ-ፍልጠት። ኣብ ልዕሊ’ቲ ካብ ዝተኣታቶ ክልተ ዓመት ጥራይ ኣቑጺሩ ዘሎን ካብ 25 ክሳብ 85  ዶላር ዝዋጋኡን በናጅርን ካቴናን ብዝገበርዎ ምርምር። እቲ በናጅር ዝኾነ ትሕዝቶ ዘይብሉ ዘይሰርሕ ምዃኑ ገሊጾም ኣለዉ፣ እዚ ክንሱ ሓያሎ ህቡባት ስፖርተኛታትን ደገፍቶምን ነቲ ምህዞ ካብ ምግዛእ ከምዘይተቖጠቡን ኣብ ፈረንሳ። ኢጣልያ። ኣመሪካን ጃፓንን ዝርከባ ነቲ በናጅርን ካቴናን ዝሰርሓ ኩባንያታት ዛጊት ልዕሊ 100 ሚልዮን ፍርያት ሸይጠን ከምዘለዋን ኣብ ኣሜሪካ ጥራይ ናይ 11 ቢልዮን ዶላር ንግድ ከምዝፈጠረን ተፈሊጡ፣ ገለ ተመራመርቲ ስነ-ኣእምሮ። ስፖርተኛታት እቲ በናጅር ወድዮም ኣብ ዝጻወትሉ እዋን ስነ-ኣእምሮኣዊ ሓይሊዝረኸቡኮይኑክሳብዝተሰመዖም “እንተወደይዎ ሓጥያት የብሉን” ክብሉ ገሊጾም፣እቶም ተጻወትቲ ኣብቲ በናጅር እምነት ብምንባሮም ጥራይ’ውን ኣካላቶምክነጥፍ ክሕግ

Sunday, 5 December 2010

القرآن الكريم - FM Quran

القرآن الكريم - FM Quran

ዘመነ ግሪቢጥ

ስነ ጽሑፍ ብዝተፋላለየ ኣጋላልጻ ዝግለጽ እካ እንተኮነ ;ምስ ስምዒት ደቂ ሰባት ዝተኣሳሰረ እዩ:: ምናልባት ናይ ስነ ጽሑፍ ክእለትን ኡኩል ብቅዓትን እኳ እንተዘይ ሃለወ ብዝካኣለካ ምፍታን መግለጺ ሓርኮትኮት  ማኣዲ ፍልጠት እዩ::

ተኩላ ኮይኑ    ብጻያ ንበጊዕ
ኢሂ ዳበለት ኮፍኢላ ክተውግዕ
                                   ኣጣልዶ`ታ  ምስ    ዝብኢ   ይበላዓ
                                   ወይ ጊዜ ኣናጹ`ዶ ምስ ደማሙ የውግዓ
ወይ ጉድ ሃመማ ሒዞም ቦታ ንህቢ
ፍርዲ  ኣብ  ኣድጊ   በቅሊ ተዓዛቢ
ደርሆ  ዝጻሕተሮ  ኮይኑ  ተነባቢ
                                  ጣንጡ  ካብ  ኮነ  ዋርዲያ  ለይቲ
                                  ቁርዲድ`ውብ  ኮነ  ሓካሚ  ከብቲ
                                  ጫቂት ወዲደርሆ ካብኮነ ባዓልሃብቲ
                                  ንሽላ ገይሩ    ወካሊ ሞጋቲ
ወይማዓት ምድረ በዳ  ብዉሑጅ ማሲኑ
መርዚ መንደላይ  ተመንፈውሲ ኮይኑ
                                   ኣጣል በረካ`ሲ  ክግርዛ ኒነብሪ 
                                   ሓሰር`ውን ረከበ መጻወቲ ጓህሪ
ጻጸ መሬት ሒዙ  ንሓርማዝ ክሕንን
ግመል ኣብ  ጉድጓድ ክሕባእ ይደንን
ኣብ መርዓ ዝብኢ ኣጣል ተዓዲመን
ተብተብ  ይብላ ሰዓት ከይትኣክለን
                                   ሓላዊ ግራት ዋዓግ ካብኮነ 
                                   ዕፉን ንክሕሉ  ቅፊዝይዳነ ::

Saturday, 4 December 2010


ሊቃውንቲ ዩኒቨርስቲ ቶሮንቶ - ካናዳ። ሌዮናርዶ ዳቪንቺ ኣብ 1485 ዓ.ም. 
ንዘዳለዎ ንድፊ መሰረት ብምግባር ብመልክዕ ፔዳል ፔዳለ) ብእግሪ ተዘዊራ
እትሰርሕ ነፋሪት ከምዝሰርሑ ገሊጾም፣
እታብሓይሊ ሰብ እትበርር ነፋሪት ልክዕ ከምቲ ዳቪንቺ ዝነደፎ ብናይ ኣዕዋፍ-
መሰል ዝተሰንዓላ መንገብገብ ብምጥቃም እያ እትበርር፣
እታ ነፋሪት መጀመርታ ብመኪና ተሳሒባ ከምእንተንሳፍፍ ድሕሪ ምግባር።
ዘዋሪኣ ፐዳል ኣብ ዝዝውረሉ እዋን እቲ መንገብገብ ልክዕ ከም ናይ ኣዕዋፍ
ከምዝንቀሳቐስ ተፈቲና ኣተባባዒ ውጽኢት ከምዘመዝገበት ተፈሊጡ፣
“ዘዋራይ እታ ነፋሪት ኣብ ላዕሊ እንከሎ እንተደኺሙ ግን ናብዛ ባይታኡ
ጥብ!?” ትብል መርበብ ሓበሬታ ኒውስላይት፣
***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***                   
ኣብ ማሳቹስተስ -  ኣመሪካ ብቐልቀል ኣኽላባት ዝሰርሕ ናይ ጎደናታት
መብራህቲ ተማሂዙ ኣብ ጥቕሚ ክውዕል ብምጅማሩ ወነንቲ ኣኽላባት ቀልቀል
ኣኽላባቶም ከይፈተዉ ዘልዕሉሉ ሓደ መገዲ ተማሂዙ፣
እቲ ናይ ጎደና መብራህቲ ኣብ ከባቢ ናይ ኣኽላባት መዘናግዒ (dog park)
ከምዝተተኽለን ወነንቲ ኣኽላባት ቀልቀል ኣኽላባቶም እንተዘይኣኪቦምን ናብ
ዝግብኦ ቦታ እንተዘየብጺሖምን ኣኽላባቶም ናይ ዝዘናግዕሉ ከባቢ መብራህቲ
ዝጠፍእ ብምዃኑ ከይፈተዉ ቀልቀል ኣኽላባቶም ከምዝእክቡ ተጌይሩ ኣሎ፣
እቲ መብራህቲ ካብ ቀልቀል ኣኽላባት ዝርከቡ ባክተርያ ዝወጽእ ‘ሚቴይን’ 
ዝተባህለ ጋዝ ዝሰርሕ ኮይኑ። “እቲ ወነንቲ ኣኽላባት ቀልቀል ኣኽላባቶም ክእክቡ
ኣለዎም” ዝብል ሓሳባት ካብ መሃንድሳት ዘይኮነ ማተው ማዞቲ ካብ ዝተባህለ
ስነ-ጥበበኛ እዩ ነቒሉ


እንድዒ? ገረብሲ’ኳ ድሓን ጸሓይ ከይበረቐት ማይ እንተሰተየስ ብርግጽ ጥዕና
ዝህቦ’ዩ፣ ብሓጺሩ ዘጠጥዖ’ዩ፣ ከመይ ኣቢሉ’ዩ ወዲ ሰብ ብንግሆኡ መስተ ሰትዩ
ጥዕና ዝረክብ!? ድንጹ…ው ኢሉኒ፣ ከም ገረብ ማይ ንዝሰቲ እንተድኣዀይኑ
ምናልባት!፣ ብዝዀነ። ሽሕ’ኳ ብግቡእ መልሲ ክህበኒ’ዩ ኢለ እንተዘይተጸበኹ።
ንወዮ ሰኽራም መተዓልልትና ግን ንስለዘረባ ወስ ኣበልኩሉ፣
“ምሽ ኣለካ…ማለትሲ.. ከምዚ…ብዛዕባ እንታይ ኢና’ሞ ክንዛረብ ጸኒሕና!?
እንታይ’የ ክብለኩም ጸኒሔ!?” ዝገደደ ናይ ቅድሚገለ ደቓይቕ ኣርእስቲ ምሉእ
ብምሉእ ረሲዑ። ንሕቶይ ብዘገርም ሕቶ መለሰለይ፣
ክኣምን ኣክኣልኩን፣ “ብሓቂ ብዛዕባ እንታይ ክንዛረብ ጸኒሕና ክትዝክር
ኣይትኽእልን!?” ንምርግጋጽ ደጊመ ተወከስዎ፣
“ኣታ ሰብና…ቁምነገር’የ ዝብለካ!... ዋላ-ዋላ ግርኢሉኒ’ዩ ዘሎ፣ በጃኻ’ባ ንእሽቶ
ኣንክሰኒ…እዋእ…ኣታ ወዲ ድሓን እኮ’የ ነይረ፣ ክፈኩስ ጀሚረ’ለኹ ማለት
እኮ’ዩ!?” ነቲ ናይ ዕላልና ኣርእስቲ ምርስዑ ንዓኡ’ውን ከምዝገረሞ ብምስትንታን
“ክሳብ ክንድዚ…!? ንግሆ’ዩ ጽቡቕ… ገለ ዶ ክትብል ኣጸናሕካን…” ኢለ
ዘረባይ ከይወዳእኩ።-
  “ኣ..ቲ ወዲ፣ ኣሃ..ኣሃ..ኣሃ.. ሕጂ ኣዘኪርክኒ፣ ንግሆ እብለኩም ቀደም ዓርከይ
ዝነበረት ጓል እረኽበልኩም፣ እንታይ’የ’ሞ ክብለኩም መልክዓን ቅርጻን…ከምቲ
ኣቐዲመ ዝሓከኹኹም (ዝነገርክኹም ማለቱ’ዩ) ዘረባ የብሉን፣ ድሕሪ ኽንደይ
ዓመታት ኢና ተራኺብና…” ቃላት ቁርጽርጽ እናበለ ኣቐዲምና ዘይተዛረብናሉ
ሓድሽ ኣርእስቲ ኣምጽአ፣ ሓቂ-ብሓቂ ኸኣ ማዕረ ኽንደይ መስተ ኣበላሽዩዎ
ምንባሩ ኣስተብሃልና፣ ኣመና ኸኣ ተገረምና፣ ስሓቕና’ውን ክንቆጻጸሮ
ኣይክኣልናን፣ በቲ ሓደ ወገን ከኣ ኣተሓሳሲቡና፣ እቲ ኣመና ዘደንጹ ግን ኣብ
ከምዚ ኩነታት እንከሎ። ተወሳኺ መስተ ይደሊ ምንባሩ’ዩ፣
ኩነታቱ ክዕዘቡ ዝወዓሉ ሰብ ገዛ። ዓቕሎም ወዲኦም ግዲ ኾይኖም (እዚ’ውን
ተጻዊሮም)። ክኸደሎም ምእንቲ ደፊኦም ደፋፊኦም ካብ ገዛ ከውጽእዎ፤ ንሱ
ድማ “ሕራይ ክወጽእ’የ… ንማማ ዝፋን ግን ዝዛረባ ኣሎኒ” ክብል ሓያል ክርክር
መወዳእታኡ ድማ። ኣደይ ዝፋን ክሳብ ካንቸሎ ዝወጽእ ከፋንዋኦ’ሞ። ሓውና
ኸኣ ብሰላሙ ካብ ገዛ ክወጽእ ኣብ ስምምዕ ተበጽሐ፣ ኣደይ ዝፋን ተጸውዓ።
ዓርክና ከኣ ዘረባኡ ቀጸለ።-
“ኣደይ ዝፋን። ኣነ እዚ ገዛ’ዚ ገዛይ’ዩ፣ ዓመታዊ ኸኣ እበጽሓክን’የ፣ ኣዝየ
ተሓጒሰ ክብረት ይሃበለይ….ኣደይ ዝፋን …  የቐንየለይ፣ ከምዚ ክብል
ከሉኹ ግን….ጓና ስለዘይኰንኩ’የ ትሕዝቶ ሒዘ ዘይመጻእኩ፣ ትቕየማለይ ኸኣ
ኣይመስለንን፣ ንዓኽን ግን ብፍሉይ ስለዝፈትወክን ንቡንክን ዝኸውን እዚኣተን
መዲበየን’የ እሞ በጃኽን ተቐበላኒ” ብምባል ተኸዲነናኦ ኣብ ዝነበራ ጁባ ናይ
በጃ-ክዳን (ግሪምብያለ) ገለ ገንዘብ ብምእታው ሰንከልከል እናበለ ተፋነወና፣
እቲ ነደይ ዝፋን “ንቡንክን” ኢሉ ኣብ ጁባኣን ዘእተወለን ገንዘብ ክልተ
ናቕፋን ሰብዓን ሓሙሽተን ሳንቲምን ምንባሩ ምስ ሰማዕና ብተግባራቱ ኣመና
ሰሓቕና፣ ወይ… ዕላል ሰኽራማት ክጥዕም! ከምቲ ባዕሉ ዝበሎ። “ንግሆ መስተ
ዝጀመረ…” ከመይ ከመይ ከምዝኸውን ኸኣ ብግህዶ ምስክር ኮነና፣ እዝስ ምስ
ምንታይ ይቝጸር!? “ብደውካ ሞት!” ይብላ ኣደይ ጽርሃ - ብደውካ ሞት’ዩ፣
“መለበሚ ኣይኽላእካን። መለበሚ ኣይግበርካን” ከኣ ዝብልኹም ከምዚ እዩ፣

weyzarazr shire

waww Beriha habtey abzia si kindey eki shokirki nay bahaki 

1997 picture

Hello - I have put all my family photo's in the wall and in my laptop  it's given me a extra interesting hobby and love  too

"Hamerey"--New Eritrean love song by Fresewra Fessha

If i am Right same one told me this song is for you HAMEREYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Almeria's Henok Goitom considers playing for Eritrea

BBC Sport, Madrid

Henok Goitom (left) in action for Almeria
Henok Goitom (left) is a key man for Almeria in the Spanish League
Swedish-born striker Henok Goitom is considering switching his allegiance to play for Eritrea, the country of his father's birth.
Henok, who plays for Almeria in the Spanish first division, notched up 13 appearances for Sweden's under-21 side during 2005 and 2006.
Many people thought he should have been included in Sweden's squad that went to the World Cup in Germany four years ago.
He eventually got his senior call up for Sweden in March last year but did not come on to make his debut, so he is still eligible to play for the land of his father.
"I now have to have a serious discussion with the Swedish coach (Erik Hamren) about whether or not I have options of playing for them this season," Henok told the Spanish sports daily Marca earlier this week.
"If not, then I'll look at the situation, but I've already talked to my parents about playing for Eritrea."
"My father has also been in touch with the country's president (Isaias Afwerki) about me getting Eritrean nationality and I don't have a problem with that," he added.
Henok has been considering a change of direction since the start of the season, when he started wearing a shirt with his name written in Tigrinya rather than Spanish.
"It was my cousin's idea, actually, and then I talked with my dad about it. My old language teacher fixed the letters for me, so that you could put them on the jersey. I did it to demonstrate that Eritrea is part of my heart," he said.
"I've been to Eritrea on only two occasions and football there isn't a primary objective because people have to work hard to have a roof over their heads and to eat, things that we take for granted in Europe. But next summer I want to return there again to visit my grandmother and cousins."
Henok has never been a prolific scorer, and has yet to score in the league this season, but has often been the service provider for his fellow strikers at his various clubs, including his Almeria team mate, the Nigerian international Kalu Uche.
Eritrea are currently in 165th place in the Fifa rankings and 44th out of the 52 African national teams.
They did not enter the 2012 Africa Cup of Nations qualifying tournament.
The Red Sea Boys' last official game was at the Cecafa Cup against Tanzania in Nairobi last December, which they lost 4-0, although they beat Somalia 3-1 in their previous outing.

what the hell is Self confident

Self-confidence is a character trait that is essential for success in any career. It can also be argued that a life experience without self-confidence leads a person to miss out on valuable opportunities. Think about the people in your life who exhibit quality self-confidence. These people are generally fun to be around, possess many friends and are often successful in their choice of career.
It is a mistake of many people to believe that you either have self-confidence or you don’t. Just like any skill that can be learned and improved upon, your sense of self-confidence can also be improved. Employers are interested in self-confident individuals as they are more apt to produce high-quality work under pressure. A self-confident person believes in his or her strengths and abilities and does not become overwhelmed by low self-esteem and doubt. People who exhibit self-confidence do not seek the approval of others but are ambitious and seek challenges.
Self-confidence articles in this section assist an individual in improving upon self-confidence, avoiding overconfidence, the connection between self-confidence and career growth or decision-making. A self-confident person is a natural leader and strongly believes in his or her principles but is open to other points of view.