well if I'm not wrong It's very tough to hate a person whom you love very much, but he doesn't love you...it's also not really the answer. Hate is a very powerful, destructive emotion
that tends to harm the person who feels it. Hate is dark and bitter -
while it's easy to understand why you'd want to stop loving someone,
because your love is not returned, hating them is not going to stop the pain, because feeling hatred is just another form of pain, directed mostly at the self.
Ways To Get Over Someone
• The best way to get over someone is simply to give yourself time to recover from the emotions
you're feeling. Love may happen fast, but it can fade fast, too -
especially when love is unrequited. When love is not returned, it tends
to die; you could compare it to a plant that isn't receiving sunlight,
water, and oxygen. In time, if your love is not returned, it will likely
die a natural death. In a month, or a few months, your feelings will
start to lose their intensity - that is a sign that you have reached
some level of acceptance about the situation.
• Sometimes, when the pain of loving someone does not go away, it is a symptom that something is wrong; certain personality disorders, such as borderline personality disorder, can trigger painful obsessions with other people. Sometimes, the struggle of enduring unrequited love will also triggers mental disorders,
such as depression. Luckily, these disorders can be soothed and eased
with therapy. Finding a good therapist is an excellent way to take care
of yourself while you are experiencing these emotions.
Hate is not the answer - loving yourself enough to move on is the key to
a better life. There are millions of people on the planet, and one or
many of them will be very happy to spend time with you, or to have the
opportunity to love you. Instead of looking back in anger, look forward
with hope.