Monday, 20 August 2012

Is Marriage a Necessity?

The other day I was talking to a friend who is 35 and still unmarried when he is plans to get married with his live in girlfriend he asked me, 'Is marriage a necessity?' I replied, 'No, You can be Single and Happy too.'
The institution of marriage is increasingly threatened in our society because of live in relationships where a guy and girl live together under one roof without the ties or responsibilities of marriage. Let us not forget that Marriage is not a new concept but has been around for thousands of years as the way of celebrating the love and commitment between a man and a woman. I am of the opinion that if an individual is not ready to take up the responsibilities which comes along with marriage he or she should not attempt it.
Marriage is a 'lifestyle choice' and not a 'default option'. However, there are several benefits of Marriage. So, why marriage is so important? What is it that makes Marriage a necessity for many?
1. Unmarried Women, after a certain age, are not treated well by the society. So it becomes a necessity for them to get married to gain the acceptance of society. Moreover, men in love would not want to lose their girlfriends so they would prefer to get married to them.
2. When you want children you do not want them born out of wedlock. How much ever the society is advanced children of unmarried parents is not treated well. So it is not wrong to say that marriage promotes the common good by building families and raising children.
3. When you are single you tend to get into immoralities and bad habits. Marriage can make an individual more responsible and also help to be a better person because you know that there is someone who cares for you and whose life is depends on you.
4. Marriage helps one to gain social acceptance and legal rights apart from the feel of security that there is someone for you who cares for you and with whom you can share your happiness and sorrow.
5. By getting married you get a steady and loving life partner who has social and religious acceptance. With the number of sexually transmitted diseases and dangers it is better to have only one partner for sex.
6. It is known that married people have a longer life expectancy than someone who is Single.
The above given are a few benefits of marriage to prove that the institution of marriage is worth safeguarding. However, many people tend to be scared of getting married because they have seen the unhappy marriage of someone who is known to them. Just because there are miserable relationships does not mean that you would have an unhappy marriage too.

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