Love and hate are intimately linked within the human brain, according to a study that has discovered the biological basis for the two most intense emotions.
Scientists studying the physical nature of hate have found that some of the nervous circuits in the brain responsible for it are the same as those that are used during the feeling of romantic love – although love and hate appear to be polar opposites.
A study using a brain scanner to investigate the neural circuits that become active when people look at a photograph of someone they say they hate has found that the "hate circuit" shares something in common with the love circuit.
The findings could explain why both hate and romantic love can result in similar acts of extreme behaviour – both heroic and evil – said Professor Semir Zeki of University College London, who led the study published in the on-line journal PloS ONE.
"Hate is often considered to be an evil passion that should, in a better world, be tamed, controlled and eradicated. Yet to the biologist, hate is a passion that is of equal interest to love," Professor Zeki said.
"Like love, it is often seemingly irrational and can lead individual to heroic and evil deeds. How can two opposite sentiments lead to the same behaviour?"
The study advertised for volunteers to take part in the study and 17 people were chosen who professed a deep hatred for one individual. Most chose an ex-lover or a competitor at work, although one woman expressed an intense hatred for a famous political figure.
Professor Zeki and John Romaya of the Wellcome Laboratory of Neurobiology analysed the activity of the neural circuits in the brain that lit up when the volunteers were viewing photos of the hated person.
They found that the hate circuit includes parts of the brain called the putamen and the insula, found in the sub-cortex of the organ. The putamen is already known to be involved in the perception of contempt and disgust and may also be part of the motor system involved in movement and action.
"Significantly, the putamen and the insula are also both activated by romantic love. This is not surprising. The putamen could also be involved in the preparation of aggressive acts in a romantic context, as in situations when a rival presents a danger," Professor Zeki said.
"Previous studies have suggested that the insula may be involved in responses to distressing stimuli, and the viewing of both a loved and a hated face may constitute such a distressing signal."
One major difference between love and hate appears to be in the fact that large parts of the cerebral cortex – associated with judgement and reasoning – become de-activated during love, whereas only a small area is deactivated in hate.
"This may seem surprising since hate can also be an all-consuming passion like love. But whereas in romantic love, the lover is often less critical and judgemental regarding the loved person, it is more likely that in the context of hate the hater may want to exercise judgement in calculating moves to harm, injure or otherwise exact revenge," Professor Zeki said.
"Interestingly, the activity of some of these structures in response to a hated face is proportional in strength to the declared intensity of hate, thus allowing the subjective state of hate to be objectively quantified. This finding may have implications in criminal cases."
Source:- The Independent
Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.- Ibrahim wedi higo
Friday, 28 December 2012
Tuesday, 25 December 2012
The following are interesting facts about Eritrea and Eritreans.
1) The name Nara means “Sky heaven”
The Nara name means “sky, heaven”. Their language is called “Nara
Bana”, meaning “Nara talk.” (1976, Marvin Lionel Bender,
2) The name “Beni-Amir” means “Sons of Amir”
The Beni-Amir are either regarded as a separate ethnic group or as the largest clan within the Tigre ethnic group. Their clan name of Beni Amir means “Sons of Amir” (2003, Favali, Pateman, p.28).
3) The name Kunama means “natural”
“The term Kunama means natural” ( 2001, Istituto italiano per l’Africa, p.575). Among the Kunama if an individual misbehaves, often people would utter that the person is not behaving the “Kunama way” (i. e, the natural way). Similarly if you request drinking water from a woman who also has beer, the woman would ask you bia Kunama benube aifa? The meaning of this stement is “do you want natural water or beer?” In these two contexts the word Kunama is used to mean natural.” ( 2001, Istituto italiano per l’Africa, p.575)
4) The name Tigrinya means “Tigre language”
Tigre of Tigr-inya is the speaker, while the suffix -inya in Tigrinya denotes to “language,” (1996, Kjetil Tronvoll, p.30)
5) The name Rashaida means “Refugee”
The Rashida means “refugee” in Arabic -(1996, Kjetil Tronvoll, p.27)
6) The name Blin (Bilen) is thought to derive from Saho, which means “Christians”
The meaning of the word ‘Bilin’ also is not known. Some version of the tradition holds that it is Saho word (belen) for Christian. In fact, ‘Belen’ in Saho means a Christian. (Kiflemariam Hamdé, ‘Absmará yunivarsiti, p.3)
7) The name Afar means “the free”
Afar, meaning “the free,” is the name the Danakil give themselves..” (1976, Georg Gerster, 49)
The name Saho means “nomad”
The term “Saho” means nomad (“Saa” means animals, “hoo” means caretaker). This is essentially a linguistic classification, as they speak a common language, the Saho. (2010, Abdulkader Saleh Mohammad, p.111)
9) The name Dahlak islands means “Gates of Hell”
Do to the forbidding climate of the Dahlak islands, it is believed to have been derived from an Arabic word, ‘Dah’ala’, whose translation is the “gates of hell”. (Dahalik: Mysterious Tongue of the Dahlak Islands, by Hanna Azbaha )
10) The name of Eritrea’s town Mendefera means “No one dared”
Mendefera (literally meaning ‘No One Dared’) is a reference to the fierce resistance put up by the local people against Italian colonialisation.(2006, Phillips, Carillet, p. 337)
11)The name of Eritrea’s port city Massawa means “Shout loudly”
Most theories advanced seem to agree on the lingusitic roots of the word Massawa, which would be a Tigre word derived from the Ge’ez word Mesuwa’, meaning “cry, loud call.” According to one version, a fisherman from Dahlak, surpised by a storm, was thrown by the winds with his boat onto an uninhabited island that was situated very close to the mainland. Following his return to Dahlak, he described it as so small that if one shouted strong enough he could make himself heard on the other side of the island. From that point onward, the Daalakis who began to settle there called it “Massawa.” The other version relates that before the causeways connecting Massawa to mainland were built (1870), when traders came to the port their caravans, they reached Gherar on the mainland, and had to shout to the boatmen on Massawa Island to come and get them and their goods to the island-town. (2009, Jonathan Miran, p. 123)
12) The name of Eritrea’s capital Asmara means “United”
Asmara grew from four villages founded in the twelfth century AD. Originally, it is said, there were four clans living in the Asmara area on the Kebessa Plateau: the Gheza Gurtom, the Gheza Shelele, the Gheza Serenser and Gheza Asmae. Encouraged by their women, the men united the four clans and defeated the bandits who preyed on the area. After the victory, a new name was given to the place; Arbaete Asmara which literally means, in the Tigrinya language, “the four are united.” Eventually Arabaete was droppped and it has been called Asmara, though there is still a zone called Arbaete Asmara. (2007, Keith Fauscett, p. 121)
13) The word Asmara in Indonesia means “Love”
In Indonesia the word asmara means love – (1974, Sudarsono, p.44)
14) The name of Eritrea’s city Keren means “Rocky” in Blin and “Mountain” in Tigrinya.
“the name ‘Keren’ derived from two Eritrean languages Bilen and Tigrigna. The word ‘Krna’ in Bilen means stony or rocky, and ‘keren’ in Tigrigna means mountain (2007, by Denison, Paice, p.189)
15) Eritrea after Egypt has the second highest archeological historical discoveries in Africa.
The number of archeological sites in the country which was 45,000 previously has now increased to 80,000… Eritrea ranks second after Egypt in Africa for its rich archeological sites and historical places. (Dr. Yosief Libsekal, head of the Eritrean National Museum.)
16) There are Two Nigerian ethnic groups who live in Eritrea.
The Hausa and Bargo Nigerian-Eritreans, who are collectively called the Tokharir, migrated to Eritrea almost a century ago. ”…. the Tokharir, who arrived from Nigeria having made the pilgrimage to Mecca many centuries ago and did not have the means to get themselves home, so they stopped in Eritrea and eastern sudan and have remained there ever since. They are found in the western lowlands, especially around Tesseni, and in some areas around Keren.” (2007, Denison,Paice, p.37)
17) In the 1962 nations cup won by Ethiopia, 9 of the 11 starters of that team were Eritreans.
Their names were: Lucian Vassalo, Tesfay Gebremedhin, Berhe Goitom (Patata), Etalo Vassalo, Kiflom Araya, Gilamichael Tesfamariam (wedi Mariano), Haile Tesfagaber, Tekle Kidane, Asmelash Berhe, Tsegay Tesfay, Negassi Gebremichael and Berhane Beyene were Eritreans who were part of the 1962 historic Ethiopian National team. (by Esseyas Fsehaye, Shabait, 2010)
18) Many Eritrean villages in the Eritrean highlands are named after Beja place-names.
During the Beja kingdoms of Eritrea (8th – 14 century AD) the 9th century Arab geographer Al-Ya’qubi wrote of six Beja kingdoms located in what is today Eritrea. Beja place names are found throughout the central and northern highlands of Eritrea, suggesting widespread Beja interaction with other communities (2008, Schmidt, Curtis, Teka , p. 284)
19) Eritrea’s Dahlak Islanders were the first Muslim converts in the Horn of Africa.
Based on direct archaeological evidence, the Dahlak Islands, off the coast of Eritrea, are the oldest Muslim coummunites in the horn Africa (2003, Timothy Insoll, P.49)
20) In Tigre and Tigrinya P-sounds occur only in foreign loan words
“In Tigre and Tigrinya P occurs in foreign words. (1966, Tucker,Bryan, p. 595) According to Woldu (1985), /p/ does not exist in the phonology of Tigrinya, though schooled Tigrinya speakers have little difficulty in pronouncing and perceiving it. It is mostly used for Italian loanwords (pane, polizia, posta, etc.). (2008, Heine, Nurse, p.65)
21) Most Kunama believe in their traditional god named Anna.
“most Kunama remain pagans who believe in a supreme being called Anna.” (2004, Shinn, Ofcansky, Prouty, p.245)
22) The earliest written Tigrinya discovered dates to the 13th century in Logosadara, Eritrea.
“An especially interesting reference was made by the Italian scholar Carlo Conti Rossini in his introduction to Mauro da Leonessa’s Tigrinya Grammar, where he speaks of land contracts from Enda Abba Matta that show ‘indications from the 13th century that the Tigrinya language was already formed’. He also mentions an Eritrean monk called Yeshaq who between 1403 and 1450 is said to have written in Tigrinya. What exactly constituted these ‘indications’ and what any such early Tigrinya material might have been is not known.” (2008, Andrew Simpson, p. 227)
23) In the early 1940s, the British wanted to turn Eritrea into a Jewish colony
“Early on the research department had added a new dimension to the Eritrean problem by suggesting that Britain support a Jewish settlement in Eritrea. The primary purpose of creating a Jewish colony in Eritrea was to divert Jewish immigration from Palestine and thereby to relax tensions in the British dominion in Palestine itself. In support of their recommendation, the authors of these findings argued that Eritrea had a suitable climate and sufficient unexploited land to be used for Jewish colonization. (1991, Okbazghi Yohannes, p. 64)
24) The oldest settled civilization in the horn of Africa is found in Eritrea.
“The remains of what is thought to be the oldest settled agricultural community in Africa have been discovered on the outskirts of the Eritrean capital, Asmara, the United Nations has said.” (5-22-2002, BBC )
25) Human ancestry migrated out of Africa north along Eritrea’s Red Sea coast.
Bob walter discovered the oldest evidence of stone tools near a marine environment. Dating at 125,000 years old, the find suggest early human ancestry migrated out of Africa north along Eritrea’s red sea coast (July, 2000, GeoTimes)
26) Afar women usually don’t quest courtship with a man who hasn’t killed another man.
“Afars culture emphasizes a man’s strength and bravery, and prestige comes traditionally from killing one’s enemy. The strinkingly beautiful Afar women will usually not consider courtship with a man who has never killed another man. They hope for a husband who wears the iron bracelet indicating that he has killed ten men.” (2002, James Minahan, p.42)
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
ውጽኢት ምርጫ ብከመይ ይውሰን?
ዚኾነ ምርጫ ኣብ ትሕቲ ዚተወሰነ ቅጥዕን ኣገባብን እዩ ዚኻየድ። ምርጫታት ዚውሰንሉ ኣገባባት ብዙሓት ክህልዉ ዚኽእሉ እኳ እንተኾኑ፣ እቶም ዚውቱራት ግና ክልተ እዮም።ንሳቶም ድማ፣ ብመሰረት ተዛማዲ ብዝሕን፣ ውሳነ ብመሰረት ፍጹም ብዝሕን ይብሃሉ።ኣብዚ ዘሎናዮ መዋእል፣ እቲ ስልጣን ንምጭባጥ ዚግበር ውድድር መብዛሕትኡ፣ ግዜ ኣብ መንጎ ሰልፍታት ‘ዩ ዚኻየድ። ስለፍታት ሕጹያት ብምቕራብን ህዝቢ ብምውዳብን ኣብ መስርሕ’ቲ ምርጫ ዓቢ ተራ ይጻውታ። ነፍሲ ወከፍ፣ ሰልፊ ‘ወን ኣብቲ ዝኻየድ ውድድር ንክትዕወት ኣበርቲዓ ትቃለስ።
እቲ ውድድር ኣብ መንጎ ክልተ ሕጹያት ዚኻየድ ምስ ዚኸውን፣ እቲዓብላሊ ድምጺ ዚረኸበ ሕጹይ ተዓዋቲ ስለዚኸውን፣ ውጺኢት ናይቲ ምርጫ ንምፍላጥ ኣየሸግርን ። ብካልእ ኣዘራርባ ‘ቲ ካብ ፍርቂ ንላዕሊ ድምጺ ዚረኸበ፣ ሕጹይ ተዓዋቲ ይኸውን። ኣብ ሓደ ውድድር ስለስተ ወይ ድማ ካብኡ ንላዕሊ ተወዳደርቲ ሕጹያት ዚሳተፍዎ ምርጫ ግን፣ ዚኾነ ይኹን ተወዳዳሪ ሕጹይ ክዕወት ብውሕዱ ካብ ነፍስወከፍ ውልቀ መወዳድርቱ ዚበዝሐ ድምጺ ክረክብ ኣለዎ። እዚ ክኸውን ዚኽእል ግን፣ እቲ ውጺኢት ምርጫ ብመስረት ተዛማዲ ብዝሒ ዝውሰን ምስ ዝኸውን እዩ።እቲ ውጺኢት ምርጫ ብመሰረት ፍጹም ብዝሒ ዚውሰን ምስ ዝኸውን ግን፣ ዚኾነ ይኹን ተወዳዳሪ( ሕጹይ ) ክዕወት ብውሕዱ ካብቲ ጠቕላላ ድምር ብዝሒ ናይ መወዳድርቱ ንላዕሊ፣ ማለት ካብቲ ጠቕላላ ብዝሒ ድምጺ ልዕሊ ፍርቂ ክረኽብ ኣለዎ።
ንኣብነት ፣ኣብ ሓደ ኣብ መንጎ ኣርባዕተ ሕጹያት ዚግበር ውድድር እቶም ሕጹያት ፣ 15%፣ 20 %፣ 30 % ፣ 35% ድምጺ ምስ ዝረክቡ እቲ 35% ድምጺ ዚረኸበ ሕጹይ ተዓዋቲ ይኸውን። እቲ ምርጫ ብመስረት ፍጹም ብዝሒ ዝውሰን ምስ ዚኸውን ግን፣ ካብ ኣርባዕቲኦም ሕጹያት ዚዕወት የለን።ምክንያቱ ኣብዚ ኣገባብ’ዚዚኾነ ይኹን ሕጹይ ንኽዕወት በይኑ ካብ 50 % ንላዕሊ ድምጺ ክረክብ የድልዮ።ኣብቲ ስልጣን ንምጭባጥ ኣብ መንጎ ሰልፍታት ዚግበር ውድድር፣ ቁጽሪ ናተን ዚወዳዳራ ሰልፍታት ክልተ ጥራይ ምስ ዝኸውን፣ እታ ዚተዓወተት ሰልፊ ኣብቲ ሓጋጊ ባይቶ ካብ ፍርቂ ንላዕሊ መናብር ስለዚህልዋ ጽኑዕ ዚኾነ ምምሕዳር ክትምስርት ኣየጸግማን ።
ቁጽሪ ናይተን ሰልፍታት ካብ ክልተ ንላዕሊ ምስ ዚከውን ግን፣ መብዛሕቱኡ ግዜ ሓንቲ ሰልፊ በይና ካብ ፍርቂ ንላዕሊ ድምጺ ከተምጽእ ስለዘሸግር እቲ ምምሕዳር ብልፍንቲ ናይ ክልተ ወይ ድማ ካብኡ ንላዕሊ ሰልታት እዩ ዚምስረት።ከምዚ ዚኣመሰለ ብልፍንቲ ዚቖመ ስሮኣት ጽንዓት ክህልዎ ድማ፣ እተን ነቲ ልፍንቲ ዘቖማ ሰልፍታት ኣብ ስርሓት ናቲ ምምሕዳር ከም ሓደ ኣካል ኮይነን ክሰርሓን ከድምጻን ኣለወን።
Saturday, 22 September 2012
To Marry or Not
Getting married is once in a lifetime decision for many people. When
people wish to get married, invariably all of them expect a full life
together. Very few would think of marriage as a short-term exercise.
Hence, it is very much necessary that all aspects of a life together be
fully analyzed before tying the knot. Usually men and women tend to have
different perspectives about married life. It would be better to have
open and honest discussion to sort out the possible future irritants or
at least understand them so that some sort of compromise could be
arrived at.
The reasons that a man looks at while desiring to marry her are in numerous. However, a few of them top the list in order of priority. For most men, the need of a woman in life is necessitated by the motherly love that he had received in his early life. He needs a woman who can show him the same love and who could fulfill his physical and emotional needs. That is why many men look for the same qualities in a woman that their mothers possess. The second reason is to have a lifetime companion, who can share his desires and needs. The third reason is love. When a man feels that he loves a particular woman, he wants to own her fully. This might appear to be a wrong reason but that is the way humans are made. Everybody likes to possess what he or she desires and human relationships are no different. In some cases, the man might marry a woman because she has become pregnant and is carrying his child. Certain men wish to marry a woman who is having the same career as his, so that they would be able to adapt to each other better. It is quite usual for a doctor to marry a doctor and a lawyer to marry a lawyer. They would be able to understand the work pattern and the workload of each other. However, few others are very particular that the woman is having a different profession, so that their interests do not clash. This choice depends on the outlook of the individual.
In short men marry women for the following main reasons.
The wish to continue the motherly love received in childhood.
Desire to have a lifetime companion.
The love the man has for the woman.
The woman having become pregnant by him Oh Yea it is silly
To have a woman who has a similar career or differently for easier adaptability.
Women also marry men for nearly the same reasons. However, one important reason that women have in marriage is to escape from parents that they do not like or from a parent who is abusive. Sometimes, men also marry for this reason but the number is much lesser than women. So the reasons for a woman marrying a man can be enumerated as follows.
Wish to escape from parents.
Desire to have a lifetime companion.
Love for the man.
Having become pregnant by the man.
To have a man having a similar career for easier adaptability.
The reasons for getting married are quite obvious. On the other hand, the reasons for not getting married are much more complicated. In fact, it would be difficult to mention reasons for not getting married. However, the reasons for a marriage becoming a failure could be discussed with more ease. There are several jokes about marriage but nearly all of them are at the expense of the woman. There should be some strong reasons for that. Probably, the main reasons are the innumerable needs that women have that drain the purse of a man and the continuous nagging that women indulge in after marriage. One joke says that a successful man is one who can make more money than his wife spends but a successful woman is one who finds such a man. Many women tend to nag the men too much after marriage. They try to compare their husbands with other men who are more successful in life, which is resented by the husbands. Wives also tend to give free advice to men as to what they should and should not do, which is also not liked by many men.
Infidelity is one more reason that could harm the institution of marriage. Both men and women, who are quite possessive, would be repelled when they come to know about extra-marital relationships, leading to separation. Physical incompatibility is the cause for break-up in several cases. Even loss of interest in sexual relationship after some time could lead to a break-up of the marriage. Finally, the conflict in tastes and interests that appeared insignificant before the marriage starts to take a larger picture in married life. Disagreements increase, resulting in final separation.
Even though it would look absurd if we list reasons for not getting married, we could list the reasons that break-up marriage.
Over-spending by the wife and living beyond the man his income
Continuous nagging, comparing the man to others more successful, and giving unwarranted advice
Physical incompatibility or sharp decrease in sexual interest
Conflict in tastes and interests leading to disagreements and fight. At the end RED CARD for the Marriage
The reasons that a man looks at while desiring to marry her are in numerous. However, a few of them top the list in order of priority. For most men, the need of a woman in life is necessitated by the motherly love that he had received in his early life. He needs a woman who can show him the same love and who could fulfill his physical and emotional needs. That is why many men look for the same qualities in a woman that their mothers possess. The second reason is to have a lifetime companion, who can share his desires and needs. The third reason is love. When a man feels that he loves a particular woman, he wants to own her fully. This might appear to be a wrong reason but that is the way humans are made. Everybody likes to possess what he or she desires and human relationships are no different. In some cases, the man might marry a woman because she has become pregnant and is carrying his child. Certain men wish to marry a woman who is having the same career as his, so that they would be able to adapt to each other better. It is quite usual for a doctor to marry a doctor and a lawyer to marry a lawyer. They would be able to understand the work pattern and the workload of each other. However, few others are very particular that the woman is having a different profession, so that their interests do not clash. This choice depends on the outlook of the individual.
In short men marry women for the following main reasons.
The wish to continue the motherly love received in childhood.
Desire to have a lifetime companion.
The love the man has for the woman.
The woman having become pregnant by him Oh Yea it is silly
To have a woman who has a similar career or differently for easier adaptability.
Women also marry men for nearly the same reasons. However, one important reason that women have in marriage is to escape from parents that they do not like or from a parent who is abusive. Sometimes, men also marry for this reason but the number is much lesser than women. So the reasons for a woman marrying a man can be enumerated as follows.
Wish to escape from parents.
Desire to have a lifetime companion.
Love for the man.
Having become pregnant by the man.
To have a man having a similar career for easier adaptability.
The reasons for getting married are quite obvious. On the other hand, the reasons for not getting married are much more complicated. In fact, it would be difficult to mention reasons for not getting married. However, the reasons for a marriage becoming a failure could be discussed with more ease. There are several jokes about marriage but nearly all of them are at the expense of the woman. There should be some strong reasons for that. Probably, the main reasons are the innumerable needs that women have that drain the purse of a man and the continuous nagging that women indulge in after marriage. One joke says that a successful man is one who can make more money than his wife spends but a successful woman is one who finds such a man. Many women tend to nag the men too much after marriage. They try to compare their husbands with other men who are more successful in life, which is resented by the husbands. Wives also tend to give free advice to men as to what they should and should not do, which is also not liked by many men.
Infidelity is one more reason that could harm the institution of marriage. Both men and women, who are quite possessive, would be repelled when they come to know about extra-marital relationships, leading to separation. Physical incompatibility is the cause for break-up in several cases. Even loss of interest in sexual relationship after some time could lead to a break-up of the marriage. Finally, the conflict in tastes and interests that appeared insignificant before the marriage starts to take a larger picture in married life. Disagreements increase, resulting in final separation.
Even though it would look absurd if we list reasons for not getting married, we could list the reasons that break-up marriage.
Over-spending by the wife and living beyond the man his income
Continuous nagging, comparing the man to others more successful, and giving unwarranted advice
Physical incompatibility or sharp decrease in sexual interest
Conflict in tastes and interests leading to disagreements and fight. At the end RED CARD for the Marriage
Monday, 27 August 2012
10 Reasons why Women Cheat
For Example Diane Lane did it in Unfaithful. Annette Bening did it in American Beauty. Sarah Jessica Parker did it on Sex and the City. And they’re not the only ones. Although women haven’t surpassed men on the cheating scale, when I read the NY Times last week more married women than ever before are jumping in the sack with someone other than their husbands. According to an American Sexual Behavior study, 14% of married women have cheated at least once, compared to 22% of married men. Not that we’re condoning two-timing from either party, but here are the top 10 reasons women cheat.
*10-Not Enough Sex
Remember the good old days when you could stay up forever fooling around? Then responsibility entered the mix -- and kids -- and before you knew it, sleep was more important than sex. Well, women want to feel wanted. If you’re not making her feel that way, she could seek it elsewhere. To keep that spark alive, ask her out on date nights, send her provocative emails at lunch, and by all means, don’t let life get in the way of kissing, cuddling and sex.
*9-Being The Bad Girl
Just as men feel the urge to sow their wild oats, some women have an inner sex kitten just waiting to be unleashed -- and when the beast escapes from the cage, look out.
*frisky behavior
usually rears its ugly head in response to some sort of life change -- major weight loss, new job, new friends, mid-life crisis, etc. Keep the lines of communication open and she’ll be more likely to talk to you about what’s going on instead of spilling her guts to a stranger in the night.
Sex can be an instant pick-me-up; a self-esteem booster that makes women feel sexier, more beautiful and more loved. If your wife or girlfriend has self-esteem issues, it doesn’t mean she’s automatically going to cheat -- and it’s certainly not your fault if she does -- but there are ways to make her feel secure in the relationship that could help her from straying. Pay attention to her, ask her questions and don’t hold back on compliments -- a little flattery goes a long way with women.
*7-Revenge/Payback For Past Wrongs
No, you didn’t cheat, but whether you blew your retirement fund in Vegas or got caught in a
big lie, you did break her trust (and, possibly, her heart). She feels wounded and betrayed -- and wants to hurt you the same way you hurt her. To regain her trust, it’s not enough just to tell her you’re sorry; you have to show her. Actions speak louder than words
*6-Lack Of Intimacy
You have it all: the house, the two-car garage and the two-and-a-half bathrooms -- at least on the outside. But inside, the relationship is lacking the one thing women want most: intimacy. It’s not just sex that makes women feel connected in a relationship; it’s touching, kissing, cuddling, and communicating. Women crave it, and she could seek it elsewhere if she’s not getting it at home. To improve intimacy, spend quality time together, give her a foot massage, make a romantic dinner for two -- anything that will give her a sense of unity and closeness.
*5-Feeling Neglected/Ignored Under appreciated
Women wear many hats in a relationship -- housekeeper, errand-runner, grocery shopper, babysitter, etc. When she feels more like a maid than a girlfriend/wife, that’s when she could stray. The fact that you spend all your time at work or on the golf course gives her double reason to seek attention elsewhere. No, you can’t quit your job, but you can thank her for all her selfless deeds -- and do your share around the house.
*4-Your Emotional Withdrawal
Women are emotional beings. Not only do they need physical support, but they also need emotional support. Once you retreat from the relationship, she sees it as a sign that things are through -- a breakup is inevitable. So, she’s not really cheating, she’s moving on. To avoid this, be present in the relationship. Yes, that means sharing your icky feelings, but it’s better than the alternative, right?
*3-Bedroom Boredom
Sex can become monotonous if you let it -- the same position; the same setting; the same person. An affair adds adventure and gets her adrenaline flowing. To avoid routine, avoid repetition. Sweep her away for the weekend, make out at the movies, kiss her for no reason at all... The unexpected adds excitement.
*2-Exit Strategy
Instead of breaking up with you, she cheats on you. That way she doesn’t have to deal with the broken relationship, which is much harder to fix. An affair is the easy way out -- or at least that’s how she sees it. That’s another reason communication is key. Let her know that she can talk to you about anything and that you love her enough to work through any bumps in the relationship road.
*1-Revenge For Your Cheating
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Because you cheated, she wants to get back at you and give you a dose of your own medicine. Cheating is her vengeance, her chance to even the playing field. No, you can’t undo your indiscretion, but you can ask for her forgiveness, assure her it will
never happen again and suggest couples therapy to help you get through this tough time.
Her Cheating Heart
When you add up all the reasons women cheat, it’s usually her heart (or her ego) that needs healing, not her libido. Keep the lines of communication open, be supportive and encouraging and work at keeping that spark ignited. In other words: Don’t give her a reason to stray well honestly if my misses does like that no way I can keep that relationship safe for a second in Islam we say "I Divorce you three of them"Sorry if I said unexpected words.
*10-Not Enough Sex
Remember the good old days when you could stay up forever fooling around? Then responsibility entered the mix -- and kids -- and before you knew it, sleep was more important than sex. Well, women want to feel wanted. If you’re not making her feel that way, she could seek it elsewhere. To keep that spark alive, ask her out on date nights, send her provocative emails at lunch, and by all means, don’t let life get in the way of kissing, cuddling and sex.
*9-Being The Bad Girl
Just as men feel the urge to sow their wild oats, some women have an inner sex kitten just waiting to be unleashed -- and when the beast escapes from the cage, look out.
*frisky behavior
usually rears its ugly head in response to some sort of life change -- major weight loss, new job, new friends, mid-life crisis, etc. Keep the lines of communication open and she’ll be more likely to talk to you about what’s going on instead of spilling her guts to a stranger in the night.
Sex can be an instant pick-me-up; a self-esteem booster that makes women feel sexier, more beautiful and more loved. If your wife or girlfriend has self-esteem issues, it doesn’t mean she’s automatically going to cheat -- and it’s certainly not your fault if she does -- but there are ways to make her feel secure in the relationship that could help her from straying. Pay attention to her, ask her questions and don’t hold back on compliments -- a little flattery goes a long way with women.
*7-Revenge/Payback For Past Wrongs
No, you didn’t cheat, but whether you blew your retirement fund in Vegas or got caught in a
big lie, you did break her trust (and, possibly, her heart). She feels wounded and betrayed -- and wants to hurt you the same way you hurt her. To regain her trust, it’s not enough just to tell her you’re sorry; you have to show her. Actions speak louder than words
*6-Lack Of Intimacy
You have it all: the house, the two-car garage and the two-and-a-half bathrooms -- at least on the outside. But inside, the relationship is lacking the one thing women want most: intimacy. It’s not just sex that makes women feel connected in a relationship; it’s touching, kissing, cuddling, and communicating. Women crave it, and she could seek it elsewhere if she’s not getting it at home. To improve intimacy, spend quality time together, give her a foot massage, make a romantic dinner for two -- anything that will give her a sense of unity and closeness.
*5-Feeling Neglected/Ignored Under appreciated
Women wear many hats in a relationship -- housekeeper, errand-runner, grocery shopper, babysitter, etc. When she feels more like a maid than a girlfriend/wife, that’s when she could stray. The fact that you spend all your time at work or on the golf course gives her double reason to seek attention elsewhere. No, you can’t quit your job, but you can thank her for all her selfless deeds -- and do your share around the house.
*4-Your Emotional Withdrawal
Women are emotional beings. Not only do they need physical support, but they also need emotional support. Once you retreat from the relationship, she sees it as a sign that things are through -- a breakup is inevitable. So, she’s not really cheating, she’s moving on. To avoid this, be present in the relationship. Yes, that means sharing your icky feelings, but it’s better than the alternative, right?
*3-Bedroom Boredom
Sex can become monotonous if you let it -- the same position; the same setting; the same person. An affair adds adventure and gets her adrenaline flowing. To avoid routine, avoid repetition. Sweep her away for the weekend, make out at the movies, kiss her for no reason at all... The unexpected adds excitement.
*2-Exit Strategy
Instead of breaking up with you, she cheats on you. That way she doesn’t have to deal with the broken relationship, which is much harder to fix. An affair is the easy way out -- or at least that’s how she sees it. That’s another reason communication is key. Let her know that she can talk to you about anything and that you love her enough to work through any bumps in the relationship road.
*1-Revenge For Your Cheating
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Because you cheated, she wants to get back at you and give you a dose of your own medicine. Cheating is her vengeance, her chance to even the playing field. No, you can’t undo your indiscretion, but you can ask for her forgiveness, assure her it will
never happen again and suggest couples therapy to help you get through this tough time.
Her Cheating Heart
When you add up all the reasons women cheat, it’s usually her heart (or her ego) that needs healing, not her libido. Keep the lines of communication open, be supportive and encouraging and work at keeping that spark ignited. In other words: Don’t give her a reason to stray well honestly if my misses does like that no way I can keep that relationship safe for a second in Islam we say "I Divorce you three of them"Sorry if I said unexpected words.
What Makes Men Fall in Love
There’s into you, and then there’s head-over-heels saga. These little things tip a man over that edge when you fall in LOVE. It’s a baffling question: Is there some specific moment or event that makes a guy suddenly decide
“Yes, I think I love her”?
Well, the answer isn’t clear-cut, but there are some general principles. “Men have certain innate needs that must be met before they truly feel connected to you,” and everybody know that if I'm no wrong.
*The Secret theory of How We Fall in Love.
When a guy realizes, consciously or not, that you’re ideal on all these levels, that’s when he’ll commit.”Boiled down, guys have four primal relationship desires that are sometimes sated by the tiniest of moves by you. Here, some people explain it with examples so you can put these insights to use when your
guy is at the brink.
*The Desire: To Protect or help
Believe it or not, the so-called stoic sex is hard wired to nurture. Sheltering you from harm makes him feel suddenly, which makes him feel good. “Not that you should act helpless, but letting him see your vulnerable side will bring him closer because it unlocks his instincts to take care of you,” and that knows it.
So give him chances to take charge, and thank him after he does. When a guy associates you with feeling like Superman, of course he’ll want to couple up. These little things can draw out his hero side.
Give him a job. Ask him to fix or build you something. Performing concrete tasks is a way of bonding that enhances his sense of success.
Ask his opinion. Whether it’s about your 401 (the mother thing ) options or it telegraph that you value his brain as much as you do his brawn.
*The Desire: Freedom
Even emotionally healthy men want assurance that their identities will stay put after they’ve become half a happy couple. “By making it clear that you don’t expect your guy to change, he’ll feel like you truly understand him but don’t threaten his sense of self,”
*Secrets You Keep from Yourself.
That leaves him feeling on sturdy enough ground to commit.” The following moves let him know you’re no ball and chain.
Blow him off. Men hate the idea of being tied down socially, so turn down occasional plans. He’ll not only feel easier — and open up more — around you, but he’ll also start to wonder what you’re doing and pursue you more.Share your own fears. Guys often hold back because they think most chicks are baby-hungry ring-hunters. So if you feel nervous about committing, let him know. He’ll be reassured that you’re navigating new waters too, not trying to trap him.
Reinvent yourself. Little changes in your appearance now and then — say, hair up in a ponytail one day, down the next, etc. — remind him that you’ve got zillions of facets to your personality too.
*Desire to Read: no ruts or risks.
Respect his privacy. A physical space that’s totally his is a huge symbol of independence to a man. Signal that you respect that by, say, staying out of desk drawers and not peeking at his caller ID when his phone rings
*The Desire: To Shine
Maybe he’s cocky, but he’s still insecure. Trust me, guys need to know that they’re respected and appreciated. “When being around you increases a guy’s esteem, both internally and in the eyes of others, he’ll naturally want to be attached to you,” Here, things that show your high value and nudge him toward love.
Make him happier. Laugh when one of you loses balance during sex. Go to stupid movies. Drag him out when he’s crabby. If you can keep things light, even during stressful times, you’ll become indispensable.
Be a social butterfly. Guys are good at left-brain stuff, like sales and sports, but can get awkward when it comes to social graces. Take the lead and charm the people you meet and he’ll be extra grateful to have you. But he may take credit for making those new friends...whatever.
*The Desire: Comfort
“Falling in love is a process of developing attachment, which happens when something emotion floods to the brain then You can unleash those love hormones by making him feel like you two just “fit each other .” When he’s so comfortable with you that he stops thinking about your relationship and simply enjoys it, he’ll find himself nudged into love territory. Take these tips maybe they can help.
Let him see you prim. Grooming in front of him enhances intimacy because it’s something other guys don’t get to witness. Just keep it goddess like (applying lipstick or powder), not gross (bleaching your mustache).
Cook together if she isn't Besoro. Being around food spikes his love motion. the more he’ll associate you with the good feelings he gets from eating it.
Stock your pad. When buying groceries you don’t have a preference on, get a brand he uses. He’ll subconsciously feel at home at your place. Sleep with him mostly in light days. Cat nap near him or let yourself doze off in his arms so he sees you in your most trusting, completely relaxed state. Mostly don't forget to have sex with him in day time in three places like in Leaving Room,in the Shower and the kitchen. I hope it works well it will believe me and the funny of it is I don't believe In LOVE.
“Yes, I think I love her”?
Well, the answer isn’t clear-cut, but there are some general principles. “Men have certain innate needs that must be met before they truly feel connected to you,” and everybody know that if I'm no wrong.
*The Secret theory of How We Fall in Love.
When a guy realizes, consciously or not, that you’re ideal on all these levels, that’s when he’ll commit.”Boiled down, guys have four primal relationship desires that are sometimes sated by the tiniest of moves by you. Here, some people explain it with examples so you can put these insights to use when your
guy is at the brink.
*The Desire: To Protect or help
Believe it or not, the so-called stoic sex is hard wired to nurture. Sheltering you from harm makes him feel suddenly, which makes him feel good. “Not that you should act helpless, but letting him see your vulnerable side will bring him closer because it unlocks his instincts to take care of you,” and that knows it.
So give him chances to take charge, and thank him after he does. When a guy associates you with feeling like Superman, of course he’ll want to couple up. These little things can draw out his hero side.
Give him a job. Ask him to fix or build you something. Performing concrete tasks is a way of bonding that enhances his sense of success.
Ask his opinion. Whether it’s about your 401 (the mother thing ) options or it telegraph that you value his brain as much as you do his brawn.
*The Desire: Freedom
Even emotionally healthy men want assurance that their identities will stay put after they’ve become half a happy couple. “By making it clear that you don’t expect your guy to change, he’ll feel like you truly understand him but don’t threaten his sense of self,”
*Secrets You Keep from Yourself.
That leaves him feeling on sturdy enough ground to commit.” The following moves let him know you’re no ball and chain.
Blow him off. Men hate the idea of being tied down socially, so turn down occasional plans. He’ll not only feel easier — and open up more — around you, but he’ll also start to wonder what you’re doing and pursue you more.Share your own fears. Guys often hold back because they think most chicks are baby-hungry ring-hunters. So if you feel nervous about committing, let him know. He’ll be reassured that you’re navigating new waters too, not trying to trap him.
Reinvent yourself. Little changes in your appearance now and then — say, hair up in a ponytail one day, down the next, etc. — remind him that you’ve got zillions of facets to your personality too.
*Desire to Read: no ruts or risks.
Respect his privacy. A physical space that’s totally his is a huge symbol of independence to a man. Signal that you respect that by, say, staying out of desk drawers and not peeking at his caller ID when his phone rings
*The Desire: To Shine
Maybe he’s cocky, but he’s still insecure. Trust me, guys need to know that they’re respected and appreciated. “When being around you increases a guy’s esteem, both internally and in the eyes of others, he’ll naturally want to be attached to you,” Here, things that show your high value and nudge him toward love.
Make him happier. Laugh when one of you loses balance during sex. Go to stupid movies. Drag him out when he’s crabby. If you can keep things light, even during stressful times, you’ll become indispensable.
Be a social butterfly. Guys are good at left-brain stuff, like sales and sports, but can get awkward when it comes to social graces. Take the lead and charm the people you meet and he’ll be extra grateful to have you. But he may take credit for making those new friends...whatever.
*The Desire: Comfort
“Falling in love is a process of developing attachment, which happens when something emotion floods to the brain then You can unleash those love hormones by making him feel like you two just “fit each other .” When he’s so comfortable with you that he stops thinking about your relationship and simply enjoys it, he’ll find himself nudged into love territory. Take these tips maybe they can help.
Let him see you prim. Grooming in front of him enhances intimacy because it’s something other guys don’t get to witness. Just keep it goddess like (applying lipstick or powder), not gross (bleaching your mustache).
Cook together if she isn't Besoro. Being around food spikes his love motion. the more he’ll associate you with the good feelings he gets from eating it.
Stock your pad. When buying groceries you don’t have a preference on, get a brand he uses. He’ll subconsciously feel at home at your place. Sleep with him mostly in light days. Cat nap near him or let yourself doze off in his arms so he sees you in your most trusting, completely relaxed state. Mostly don't forget to have sex with him in day time in three places like in Leaving Room,in the Shower and the kitchen. I hope it works well it will believe me and the funny of it is I don't believe In LOVE.
Monday, 20 August 2012
Why Is Love Important
Love is a universal feeling, which is felt by every living being on this earth. Do not be surprised when I say ‘living beings’ because it is not just an attribute of human beings. Plants and animals everyone is acquainted with this strange emotion. Though there is no definition to describe this unique feeling of love, it is characterized by a sense of attachment and affection towards somebody or something. So strong is the feeling that it is said that it makes the world go around. If you are still wondering why is love so important in our lives, the answer is that it satisfies the emotional needs of human beings.
Human beings have an innate quality of giving and feeling love. Moreover, it is even related with our biological structure. It is this feeling of love, which is responsible for the existence and maintenance of the society. When a baby is born, parents forget about their hunger, sleep, as they are so much in love with their child. The sweet ecstasy of love enables the man to accomplish tasks that would not have been possible without its powers. The enigmatic emotion exceeds all boundaries and has great potential of changing lives of the people.
Is Marriage a Necessity?
The other day I was talking to a friend who is 35 and still unmarried when he is plans to get married with his live in girlfriend he asked me, 'Is marriage a necessity?' I replied, 'No, You can be Single and Happy too.'
The institution of marriage is increasingly threatened in our society because of live in relationships where a guy and girl live together under one roof without the ties or responsibilities of marriage. Let us not forget that Marriage is not a new concept but has been around for thousands of years as the way of celebrating the love and commitment between a man and a woman. I am of the opinion that if an individual is not ready to take up the responsibilities which comes along with marriage he or she should not attempt it.
Marriage is a 'lifestyle choice' and not a 'default option'. However, there are several benefits of Marriage. So, why marriage is so important? What is it that makes Marriage a necessity for many?
1. Unmarried Women, after a certain age, are not treated well by the society. So it becomes a necessity for them to get married to gain the acceptance of society. Moreover, men in love would not want to lose their girlfriends so they would prefer to get married to them.
2. When you want children you do not want them born out of wedlock. How much ever the society is advanced children of unmarried parents is not treated well. So it is not wrong to say that marriage promotes the common good by building families and raising children.
3. When you are single you tend to get into immoralities and bad habits. Marriage can make an individual more responsible and also help to be a better person because you know that there is someone who cares for you and whose life is depends on you.
4. Marriage helps one to gain social acceptance and legal rights apart from the feel of security that there is someone for you who cares for you and with whom you can share your happiness and sorrow.
5. By getting married you get a steady and loving life partner who has social and religious acceptance. With the number of sexually transmitted diseases and dangers it is better to have only one partner for sex.
6. It is known that married people have a longer life expectancy than someone who is Single.
The above given are a few benefits of marriage to prove that the institution of marriage is worth safeguarding. However, many people tend to be scared of getting married because they have seen the unhappy marriage of someone who is known to them. Just because there are miserable relationships does not mean that you would have an unhappy marriage too.
Article Source:
The institution of marriage is increasingly threatened in our society because of live in relationships where a guy and girl live together under one roof without the ties or responsibilities of marriage. Let us not forget that Marriage is not a new concept but has been around for thousands of years as the way of celebrating the love and commitment between a man and a woman. I am of the opinion that if an individual is not ready to take up the responsibilities which comes along with marriage he or she should not attempt it.
Marriage is a 'lifestyle choice' and not a 'default option'. However, there are several benefits of Marriage. So, why marriage is so important? What is it that makes Marriage a necessity for many?
1. Unmarried Women, after a certain age, are not treated well by the society. So it becomes a necessity for them to get married to gain the acceptance of society. Moreover, men in love would not want to lose their girlfriends so they would prefer to get married to them.
2. When you want children you do not want them born out of wedlock. How much ever the society is advanced children of unmarried parents is not treated well. So it is not wrong to say that marriage promotes the common good by building families and raising children.
3. When you are single you tend to get into immoralities and bad habits. Marriage can make an individual more responsible and also help to be a better person because you know that there is someone who cares for you and whose life is depends on you.
4. Marriage helps one to gain social acceptance and legal rights apart from the feel of security that there is someone for you who cares for you and with whom you can share your happiness and sorrow.
5. By getting married you get a steady and loving life partner who has social and religious acceptance. With the number of sexually transmitted diseases and dangers it is better to have only one partner for sex.
6. It is known that married people have a longer life expectancy than someone who is Single.
The above given are a few benefits of marriage to prove that the institution of marriage is worth safeguarding. However, many people tend to be scared of getting married because they have seen the unhappy marriage of someone who is known to them. Just because there are miserable relationships does not mean that you would have an unhappy marriage too.
Article Source:
what is your definition for a real man
One of the Byzantine General in 5th century said once "A real man makes decisions and lives. with the consequences" we the 21 century Jerks say To build a great house, you need a strong foundation upon which to assemble all the other pretty things. To build a great man, you also need a solid foundation upon which to add all the other little things that set the real men apart from the strongly. Let's not piss around, actually the stuff inside matters most. Over the last few years I've learned that too many men including me have no foundation on which to build the principles I learned. There are many ways to define a man, and different people have different definitions, so I'm going to skip all that crab others say about man and tell you the only thing you need to know: I'm saying My way is not the correct way or may be it is , and that's it, that's all.
A Real Man Reads different thing. and learn from them if you don't agree, go read the column of some guy from SENAFE (a small city in Eritrean) who thinks owning a truck or Minibus is what defines a man. You'll see how far you get with
Trait No. 1: A Real Man Is Strong
A real man doesn't cry, doesn't moan, doesn't complain, doesn't get sick, and doesn't need to go to the doctor every time he sneezes. A real man makes decisions and lives with the consequences. A real man accepts responsibility for his actions and his words. A real man is firm. If life is a bitch, a real man will slap it and move on because he can understand it how hard is life.A real man is macho like a Mexican chili . A real man is tough. A real man doesn't show emotions. A real man is Honest in every way and that isn't his weakness the backbone of his family and doesn't have time to be weak. If spiders scare you, you'll never be a real man exept snakes
Trait No. 2: A Real Man Is Focused
A real man knows the difference between what's important and what isn't. A real man doesn't waste time on stupidity that don't bring him any profit. Sure, there are things you can do as a hobby -- I like to kill snakes and ducks -- but it must have a purpose. The purpose of my hobby is to improve my aim, and I don't have to tell you whether or not that's a useful thing in my line of work.A real man focuses on power, money and family including his love life. He doesn't focus on sex. Sex comes as a result of having power, money and a wife (and if she doesn't satisfy you, there are plenty of other women who will, especially when you are powerful and rich).
Trait No. 3: A Real Man Knows The Importance Of Family
A real man will keep his family strong and pass on his ancestors' history and
traditions. A real man knows that his children are God's gift and should be treated as such, even if he disciplines them from time to time. A real man must also remember his other Family, his organization. In my world, both my family and my Family hold the same importance; I protect them both with all my might. If you have a Family, don't forget where your loyalties lie and who has your back when you need it. That is I called a real man
A Real Man Reads different thing. and learn from them if you don't agree, go read the column of some guy from SENAFE (a small city in Eritrean) who thinks owning a truck or Minibus is what defines a man. You'll see how far you get with
Trait No. 1: A Real Man Is Strong
A real man doesn't cry, doesn't moan, doesn't complain, doesn't get sick, and doesn't need to go to the doctor every time he sneezes. A real man makes decisions and lives with the consequences. A real man accepts responsibility for his actions and his words. A real man is firm. If life is a bitch, a real man will slap it and move on because he can understand it how hard is life.A real man is macho like a Mexican chili . A real man is tough. A real man doesn't show emotions. A real man is Honest in every way and that isn't his weakness the backbone of his family and doesn't have time to be weak. If spiders scare you, you'll never be a real man exept snakes
Trait No. 2: A Real Man Is Focused
A real man knows the difference between what's important and what isn't. A real man doesn't waste time on stupidity that don't bring him any profit. Sure, there are things you can do as a hobby -- I like to kill snakes and ducks -- but it must have a purpose. The purpose of my hobby is to improve my aim, and I don't have to tell you whether or not that's a useful thing in my line of work.A real man focuses on power, money and family including his love life. He doesn't focus on sex. Sex comes as a result of having power, money and a wife (and if she doesn't satisfy you, there are plenty of other women who will, especially when you are powerful and rich).
Trait No. 3: A Real Man Knows The Importance Of Family
A real man will keep his family strong and pass on his ancestors' history and
traditions. A real man knows that his children are God's gift and should be treated as such, even if he disciplines them from time to time. A real man must also remember his other Family, his organization. In my world, both my family and my Family hold the same importance; I protect them both with all my might. If you have a Family, don't forget where your loyalties lie and who has your back when you need it. That is I called a real man
Sunday, 5 August 2012
ካብ ወልፊ ሽጋራ ንኽትገላገል ዝጸዓረላ ዘሎ ህበይ
ቶሪ’፡ ኣብ ጃቫ - ኢንዶኔዥያ ኣብ ዝርከብ መካነ-እንስሳ ተወሊዳ ኣብኡ ዝዓበየት ጓል 15 ዓመት ህበይ እያ፣ እዛ ሰብ ዝገብሮ ዘበለ ነገር ካብ ምድጋም ድሕር ከምዘይትብል ብሓለውታ ዝንገረላ ህበይ፡ ካብ ጓል 10 ዓመት ኣትሒዛ’ያ ሽጋራ ከተትክኽ ጀሚራ፣ ነዚ ዝሰምዑ ሓያለ በጻሕቲ ድማ፡ በብዝመጽእዎ እልቢ ዘይብሉ ሽጋራ ክማልኡላ ስለ ዝጀመሩ፡ መዓልታዊ ካብ ክልተ ክሳብ ሰለስተ ባኮ ሽጋራ ናይ ምትካኽ ወልፊ ኣማዕቢላ፣ ብኣንጻሩ፡ ብዝኾነ ይኹን ምኽንያት እቲ እትደልዮ ብዝሒ ሽጋራ ከይረኸበት ምስ ካብ ወልፊ ሽጋራ ንኽትገላገል ዝጸዓረላ ዘሎ ህበይ! እትውዕል፡ ምሒር ተንጸርጽርን ተዕገርግርን፣ ብሰንኪ ክቱር ወልፋ ኩነታት ጥዕናኣ ብርኡይ ከንቆልቁል ዝተዓዘቡ ሓለፍቲ’ቲ መካነ-እንስሳ ግን፡ ቶሪ ክሳብ እትመዉት ሱቕ ኢሎም ክዕዘብዋ ኣይመረጹን፣ ኣብ ክንዳኡስ ሽጋራ ክትረኽበሉ ናብ ዘይትኽእል ጽምው ስፍራ ኣእትዮም’ዮም ክቐጽዕዋ ወሲኖም፣ ነቲ ወልፊ ፈጺማ ምስ ረሳዓቶ ዳግም ናብቲ ዝነበረቶ ተመሊሳ ምስ ማሕበረ-ሰባ ክትጽንበር ምዃና ከኣ ይሕብሩ፣
ድምጻዊ’ ገብረ
‘ይብላዕ’ዩ’ ሰሚዑ ኣለዎ መኽሰብ
‘ላሎ..ላሎ…’ ኢልካስ ይርከብ’ዩ ገንዘብ
ገብረ ደርፊ ፈቲኑ….......
ብቑዕ ምዃኑ ንነብሱ ኣእሚኑ
ግጥሚ ሰዃኲዑ ዜማ ሰናኒዑ
ኣብ ሓደ ረፍዲ ደርፊ ኣጠጢዑ
ናብ ስቱድዮ ከይዱ ነታ ደርፊ ሒዙ
መሳጢት ገይሩዋ ብኮፒዩተር ተሓጊዙ
ሓድሽ ክዳን ገይሩ ኣብ ኣፍደገ ኩዋ
‘ኣይትጽርኒ’ ኢሉ ከተማ በጽቢጽዋ
ዘይሓፍር ከኣ’ምበር መርዓ ከጻውት
ውዕል ኣትዩልኩም ኣሚኑ ንካሴት
ብባንዲ ተዓጂቡ ከይዱ ናብቲ ውራይ
መድረኽ ምስ ደየበ ተቓሊዑ ጉዳይ
ካብ ቀዳማይ ከፊኡ ዳሕራይ
ሕምስምስ ኣቢሉ ጸይቕዋ ውራይ
ኣየ ገብረ…
ስነ-ጥበብ መዓስ ፈሊጥዎ
ድኻምን ጻዕርን ከም ዘለዎ
ተዃሒለ ኢላ…” ነገሩ ገይርዎ
‘ድምጻዊ’ ገብረ
‘ላሎ..ላሎ…’ ኢልካስ ይርከብ’ዩ ገንዘብ
ገብረ ደርፊ ፈቲኑ….......
ብቑዕ ምዃኑ ንነብሱ ኣእሚኑ
ግጥሚ ሰዃኲዑ ዜማ ሰናኒዑ
ኣብ ሓደ ረፍዲ ደርፊ ኣጠጢዑ
ናብ ስቱድዮ ከይዱ ነታ ደርፊ ሒዙ
መሳጢት ገይሩዋ ብኮፒዩተር ተሓጊዙ
ሓድሽ ክዳን ገይሩ ኣብ ኣፍደገ ኩዋ
‘ኣይትጽርኒ’ ኢሉ ከተማ በጽቢጽዋ
ዘይሓፍር ከኣ’ምበር መርዓ ከጻውት
ውዕል ኣትዩልኩም ኣሚኑ ንካሴት
ብባንዲ ተዓጂቡ ከይዱ ናብቲ ውራይ
መድረኽ ምስ ደየበ ተቓሊዑ ጉዳይ
ካብ ቀዳማይ ከፊኡ ዳሕራይ
ሕምስምስ ኣቢሉ ጸይቕዋ ውራይ
ኣየ ገብረ…
ስነ-ጥበብ መዓስ ፈሊጥዎ
ድኻምን ጻዕርን ከም ዘለዎ
ተዃሒለ ኢላ…” ነገሩ ገይርዎ
‘ድምጻዊ’ ገብረ
Monday, 25 June 2012
Body Language's Love Signals and other signals
Signs that Show That Someone Loves You
It will take you less than thirty minutes to find one hundred inferior articles covering the same topic, but since you reached 2knowmyself; it’s the end of your search.
This article is based on psychology, body language, behavior analysis and the psychology of attraction so Don't scan it but read it word by word in order to get the best out of it.
The information in this article is not subject to evaluation, this is the Ultimate Guide for knowing whether someone loves you or not. When I talk confidently about a topic then you should automatically assume that i am not going to mention my thoughts or opinion about the topic but instead i am going to give deep psychological evidence and provide you with solid facts.
Contrary to common beliefs knowing whether someone loves you or not is simple, you just need to open your eyes for the following signs. If you saw many of them then make sure that the person likes you. Before you read further into this page make sure that you read about body language first.
Put in mind that the presence of only one signal is not enough for knowing whether someone likes or not and so you should look for more than one sign before you judge the other person’s feelings.
Love Signals
If someone loves you or if he is extremely interested in you then most probably he won't tell you directly until he becomes sure of your emotions towards him.
But behind the scenes his subconscious mind will keep sending you signals that shows that he is deeply interested in you. In my book How to make someone fall in love with you i explained how the falling in love process happens on the subconscious level and how you can understand someone's real emotions by watching for these unconscious signals.
Now i am going to tell you about those unconscious signs so that you can use them to know whether someone loves you or not.
The Private Distance: When you become interested in someone you will keep a smaller private distance between you and him compared to the distance you would leave otherwise while being with others. You will also notice that people who are interested in you will stand closer to you than to other people. For detailed information on private distance see this article.
Orientation/Zero angle: Orienting himself in your direction even if he were standing with other people is a powerful sign of attraction in body language. The words "Orienting himself" means that the person stands with his shoulders parallel to yours and with his toes pointing towards you. For more information see The body language section
Positive Evaluation Gesture: In body language rubbing your brows with your fingers means that you liked something or thought positively of it. Now what if someone took this gesture whenever he saw you?? This certainly means that this person loves you. If you want to see a picture for the positive evaluation gesture then please check this link Positive evaluation gesture
I don't want anything in particular: If someone likes you then you will find him Calling you for trivial reasons (for example: asking about something that he/she already knows). If the person was smart enough he might find a good reason to call you for but when the frequency of these calls increase then this usually indicates that there is something behind it.
Why am i happy?: Smiling while talking to you even if there was no good reason for smiling is another strong sign for attraction. In most cases he will try to hide the smile and so he will appear as if he is trying to prevent a smile from showing on his face
Smiles that Don’t Fade quickly: A smile will not fade away quickly if the person was genuinely interested in you (this does not have to be a love signal but in the worst case scenario it will be a sign of deep interest). Only fake smiles fade away quickly while true smiles stay a little longer before they disappear.
Nice or Cold? Being very nice one day and ignoring you the other day is one of the strongest sings of attraction. The logic behind this is very simple, at the beginning the person treats you very nicely because he likes you but when he realizes that he has done too much effort without receiving a response he starts to pull back. This person might say to himself something like "Oh my God, I showed lots of signs today that shows that i am interested in her but I still didn't get a response, tomorrow I should totally ignore her". So when you find someone being nice one day and cold the other day then know that the positive signs he showed resulted from the positive emotions he has towards you and that the negative signs were given just to cover his tracks
Mr./Mrs. Everywhere: Meeting him/her many times by coincidence is another sign. Of course these are not coincidences but the person may either be changing his schedule to match yours or he may be going to the places that you usually go to in order to meet you by coincidence.
Your Friends Are Really Nice: Starting to care more about your friends and becoming more nice to them is a strong sign of attraction especially if he/she wasn’t interested in them before.
Cancellations: canceling his other plans in order to see you.
Where Are You? Finally the person who loves you will try to keep you within his line of sight and each now and then he will take a look at you to make sure that you are still there. This sign can work the other way too if you kept looking someone in the eye for extended periods of time you might let him fall in love with you. In my book How to make someone fall in love with you i said that falling in love is experienced when certain hormones are released into the body, if you managed to force the release of these hormones in someone's body then he might be fooled into thinking that he actually loves you. And guess what, looking into his eyes for extended periods can do this!! for more signs check part two of this article.
Wait a second
I am not responsible for any misuse of the information provided in this article. The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only, in order to gain more understanding of the psychology of falling in love or to save your marriage from collapsing, it should not be used for flirting or for fooling people into loving you. If you misused it, don't come and blame me later, I am not responsible for what you are going to do with it.
It will take you less than thirty minutes to find one hundred inferior articles covering the same topic, but since you reached 2knowmyself; it’s the end of your search.
This article is based on psychology, body language, behavior analysis and the psychology of attraction so Don't scan it but read it word by word in order to get the best out of it.
The information in this article is not subject to evaluation, this is the Ultimate Guide for knowing whether someone loves you or not. When I talk confidently about a topic then you should automatically assume that i am not going to mention my thoughts or opinion about the topic but instead i am going to give deep psychological evidence and provide you with solid facts.
Contrary to common beliefs knowing whether someone loves you or not is simple, you just need to open your eyes for the following signs. If you saw many of them then make sure that the person likes you. Before you read further into this page make sure that you read about body language first.
Put in mind that the presence of only one signal is not enough for knowing whether someone likes or not and so you should look for more than one sign before you judge the other person’s feelings.
Love Signals
If someone loves you or if he is extremely interested in you then most probably he won't tell you directly until he becomes sure of your emotions towards him.
But behind the scenes his subconscious mind will keep sending you signals that shows that he is deeply interested in you. In my book How to make someone fall in love with you i explained how the falling in love process happens on the subconscious level and how you can understand someone's real emotions by watching for these unconscious signals.
Now i am going to tell you about those unconscious signs so that you can use them to know whether someone loves you or not.
The Private Distance: When you become interested in someone you will keep a smaller private distance between you and him compared to the distance you would leave otherwise while being with others. You will also notice that people who are interested in you will stand closer to you than to other people. For detailed information on private distance see this article.
Orientation/Zero angle: Orienting himself in your direction even if he were standing with other people is a powerful sign of attraction in body language. The words "Orienting himself" means that the person stands with his shoulders parallel to yours and with his toes pointing towards you. For more information see The body language section
Positive Evaluation Gesture: In body language rubbing your brows with your fingers means that you liked something or thought positively of it. Now what if someone took this gesture whenever he saw you?? This certainly means that this person loves you. If you want to see a picture for the positive evaluation gesture then please check this link Positive evaluation gesture
I don't want anything in particular: If someone likes you then you will find him Calling you for trivial reasons (for example: asking about something that he/she already knows). If the person was smart enough he might find a good reason to call you for but when the frequency of these calls increase then this usually indicates that there is something behind it.
Why am i happy?: Smiling while talking to you even if there was no good reason for smiling is another strong sign for attraction. In most cases he will try to hide the smile and so he will appear as if he is trying to prevent a smile from showing on his face
Smiles that Don’t Fade quickly: A smile will not fade away quickly if the person was genuinely interested in you (this does not have to be a love signal but in the worst case scenario it will be a sign of deep interest). Only fake smiles fade away quickly while true smiles stay a little longer before they disappear.
Nice or Cold? Being very nice one day and ignoring you the other day is one of the strongest sings of attraction. The logic behind this is very simple, at the beginning the person treats you very nicely because he likes you but when he realizes that he has done too much effort without receiving a response he starts to pull back. This person might say to himself something like "Oh my God, I showed lots of signs today that shows that i am interested in her but I still didn't get a response, tomorrow I should totally ignore her". So when you find someone being nice one day and cold the other day then know that the positive signs he showed resulted from the positive emotions he has towards you and that the negative signs were given just to cover his tracks
Mr./Mrs. Everywhere: Meeting him/her many times by coincidence is another sign. Of course these are not coincidences but the person may either be changing his schedule to match yours or he may be going to the places that you usually go to in order to meet you by coincidence.
Your Friends Are Really Nice: Starting to care more about your friends and becoming more nice to them is a strong sign of attraction especially if he/she wasn’t interested in them before.
Cancellations: canceling his other plans in order to see you.
Where Are You? Finally the person who loves you will try to keep you within his line of sight and each now and then he will take a look at you to make sure that you are still there. This sign can work the other way too if you kept looking someone in the eye for extended periods of time you might let him fall in love with you. In my book How to make someone fall in love with you i said that falling in love is experienced when certain hormones are released into the body, if you managed to force the release of these hormones in someone's body then he might be fooled into thinking that he actually loves you. And guess what, looking into his eyes for extended periods can do this!! for more signs check part two of this article.
Wait a second
I am not responsible for any misuse of the information provided in this article. The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only, in order to gain more understanding of the psychology of falling in love or to save your marriage from collapsing, it should not be used for flirting or for fooling people into loving you. If you misused it, don't come and blame me later, I am not responsible for what you are going to do with it.
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
I try my hardest not to get jealous
I try my hardest not to get jealous, I really do. I know it is really, really bad karma to do so, and I know my time will come, and etc., etc., etc. but still, sometimes I just get this really awful, jealous feeling when I find out someone I know got engaged. Ironically, none of my close friends have gotten engaged - but some work friends and some girls I went to school with got engaged recently and posted details ALL over Facebook (I'm talking posting a "Note" with pictures and (no lie) about how the guy proposed, the ring details, etc..... gag me. mostly Close family
Out of my best friends, most are in the same boat as me - two friends have been Girl friend and boy friend ,there boyfriend for five years and no rings; another, living with his girl friend for 3 or 4 yrs and nothing. Another 3-4 girlfriends are single. It's not like I'm the "last one" not engaged after my close family engaged behind me. I'm 27 though and will probably get married one day but in in no rush. So, when I hear about these acquaintance who get engaged, after what I know are relatively brief relationships, or the girls are younger than me, I just don't understand. What do they have in common , that I (or my wonderful friends, for that matter), don't? Why do some guys propose after 6 months or a year and others, who all seem to be in very happy relationships, wait forever, while I know the girl would be thrilled to get engaged?
An example: My friend's co-worker recently got engaged after dating her boyfriend less than a year. He was telling me how happy she was and sounded genuinely thrilled for her. I almost lost it! I was so mad - I couldn't control it. I didn't understand how he could sound so THRILLED for someone doing something that he doesn't feel ready for right now? I sarcastically said to him "poor guy who proposed, his life is over, huh?" He didn't think that was funny. Or, me pointing out how ridiculous this other girl I know posting this elaborate note about her engagement, and he was like, just let her be....I was like, what the fuck? How can you say that?
I know I am being irrational :( I know it's wrong and don't need to be told twice, but I can't control these feelings. Does anyone else ever feel this way?
Out of my best friends, most are in the same boat as me - two friends have been Girl friend and boy friend ,there boyfriend for five years and no rings; another, living with his girl friend for 3 or 4 yrs and nothing. Another 3-4 girlfriends are single. It's not like I'm the "last one" not engaged after my close family engaged behind me. I'm 27 though and will probably get married one day but in in no rush. So, when I hear about these acquaintance who get engaged, after what I know are relatively brief relationships, or the girls are younger than me, I just don't understand. What do they have in common , that I (or my wonderful friends, for that matter), don't? Why do some guys propose after 6 months or a year and others, who all seem to be in very happy relationships, wait forever, while I know the girl would be thrilled to get engaged?
An example: My friend's co-worker recently got engaged after dating her boyfriend less than a year. He was telling me how happy she was and sounded genuinely thrilled for her. I almost lost it! I was so mad - I couldn't control it. I didn't understand how he could sound so THRILLED for someone doing something that he doesn't feel ready for right now? I sarcastically said to him "poor guy who proposed, his life is over, huh?" He didn't think that was funny. Or, me pointing out how ridiculous this other girl I know posting this elaborate note about her engagement, and he was like, just let her be....I was like, what the fuck? How can you say that?
I know I am being irrational :( I know it's wrong and don't need to be told twice, but I can't control these feelings. Does anyone else ever feel this way?
أحيانا أكره يجري غيور
أحاول جهدي ألا بالغيرة ، وأنا حقا. وأنا أعلم أنه هو حقا ، كارما سيئة حقا أن تفعل ذلك ، وأنا أعرف وقتي وسوف يأتي ، والخ ، الخ ، الخ ولكن لا يزال ، وأحيانا كنت مجرد الحصول على هذا مخيف حقا ، والشعور بالغيرة عندما أجد شخص أعرفه حصلت على المشاركة. ويا للسخرية ، وتصدت لها قد حصلت أيا من أصدقائي المقربين -- ولكن بعض الأصدقاء وعمل بعض الفتيات ذهبت إلى المدرسة مع خطبت مؤخرا ونشرت التفاصيل في جميع أنحاء الفيسبوك (أنا أتحدث تنشر "ملاحظة" مع صور و(لا تكذب) حول كيف الرجل المقترحة ، وتفاصيل الحلقة ، الخ.... هفوة لي. أغلق معظمها الأسرة
الخروج من أعز أصدقائي أن معظم هم في نفس القارب كما مني -- صديقين وقد صديق وصديقة الفتاة الصبي ، هناك صديق عن خمس سنوات وليس الخواتم ؛ أخرى ، يعيش مع صديقة ابنته عن 3 أو 4 سنوات وشيء. آخر الصديقات هي واحدة 3-4. انها ليست مثل أنا "آخر" لم تشارك بعد عائلتي وثيق وتصدت لها ورائي. ابن 27 وربما لو تزوجت في يوم واحد ولكن لا تتعجل. لذا ، عندما أسمع عن هذه معارفه الذين يحصلون على المشاركة ، بعد ما أعرف هي علاقات قصيرة نسبيا ، أو الفتيات هن أصغر مني ، وأنا لا أفهم. ماذا لديهم من القواسم المشتركة ، وأنني (أو أصدقائي رائع ، لهذه المسألة) ، لا؟ لماذا يقترح بعض اللاعبين بعد 6 أشهر أو سنة وغيرهم ، الذين يبدو أنهم جميعا أن نكون في علاقات سعيدة جدا ، والانتظار الى الابد ، في حين أعرف ستكون سعيدة في الحصول على الفتاة العاملة؟
مثال على ذلك : صديقي العامل المشترك مؤخرا خطوبتهما بعد التعارف صديقها أقل من عام. كان يقول لي كيف انها كانت سعيدة وبدت سعيدة حقا بالنسبة لها. فقدت ما يقرب من ذلك! كنت غاضبة جدا -- أنا لا يمكن السيطرة عليه. لم أكن أفهم كيف يمكن أن الصوت مسرورون جدا لشخص يفعل شيئا انه لا يشعر بأنه جاهز الآن أليس كذلك؟ قلت له ساخرا "المسكين الذي اقترح ، خلال حياته ، هاه؟" وقال انه لا يعتقد أن كان مضحكا. أو ، لافتا إلى كيف لي سخيفة هذه الفتاة الأخرى أعرف نشر هذه المذكرة تفاصيل عن خطبتها ، وكان مثل ، مجرد السماح لها أن تكون.... كنت مثل ، ما هي اللعنة؟ كيف يمكنك أن تقول ذلك؟
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Greatest General and our beloved leader In History
Hamd Idris Awate was born in 1910 at Gerset, located between Tessenei and Omhajer in southwestern Eritrea. His father was a peasant and owned a Rifle. Awate was trained by his father how to use that gun.In 1935, he was conscripted by the Italians to serve in the colonial army of the Eritrean Ascari. Beside his fluency in Arabic, Tigre, Tigrina, Nara, Hedareb, and Kunama, Awate learned the Italian language within a short period of time and was sent to Rome for a course in military intelligence.
After returning from Italy, he was appointed as a security officer in western Eritrea. Shortly after, he served as deputy chief of the city of Kassala, Sudan and its surroundings during the brief Italian occupation of that city in 1940 /1941.He fought as an ascari in the Battle of keren and participated to the Italian guerilla in Eritrea against the British and Ethiopians in World War II with the cavalrymen of Ali Gabre.Resistance against Ethiopia . A man of few words. Arguably, one of the most powerful Eritrean leaders that ever lived. He feared no man and lived as a gentlemen. Men respected him and often told tales of his greatness. He spoke 10 languages and was an excellent sharp shooter. When attacked by the British, he and his loyal fighters annihilated many British troops, forcing the British into a peace treaty with him.
After Eritrea was forced into a 10 year federation and it became clear that Eritrea was not going to get its vote on whether to be independent or not like the UN charter stated would happen after the 10 year of forced federation came to an end, his followers asked him to declare war on Haile Selassie and his American backed troops...He agreed and shot the first bullets of freedom to end the annexation and occupation of the foreign Ethiopian troops. In 1958 a group of Eritrean exiles in Cairo founded the Eritrean Liberation Movement under Awate's leadership.In July 1960, in the city of Cairo, a group of young Eritrean students and intellectuals held a meeting and formed the Eritrean Liberation Front (ELF). The group consisted of the following men:
Back home, the Ethiopian authorities were suspicious of Awate’s movements and activities, and were watching him closely. Ethiopian police forces planned to arrest Awate in his village in August 1961. Turkey explains that the Ethiopians deployed a large amount of police forces but their plans were foiled by an Eritrean nationalist within the Ethiopian police who informed Awate earlier of that plan. Awate then fled to Mount Adal located to the west of Agordat.
Awate’s decision to begin armed resistance was reached after a period of long deliberations with other nationalists. In an interview with Eritrea Al-haditha, issue #75, second year, pioneer Mohammed Al-Hassan Dohen, a long time friend of Awate and Awate's assistant when he was district chief, says: "In the year 1960, Idris Mohammed Adem sent a letter to Awate, the letter was written in Arabic. Hamid Awate told me that Idris Mohammed Adem was asking him to declare the armed struggle; but he was not ready for it at that time. After four months, Mohammed Al-Shiekh Dawud came and asked Awate to declare the revolution. Awate agreed to lead the armed struggle and declare the revolution but asked for support. Mohammed Al-Shiekh Dawud provided Awate with old arms, three five bullet rifles "abu khamsa" and gave him 300 Birr with sugar and tea. In addition, Ibrahim Mohammed Ali brought two rifles and At the beginning we were only seven, then shortly our number had grown to be 13 fighters."
The Ethiopian authorities immediately responded to Awate's declaration. According to Awate’s contemporaries, a military unit in six trucks was sent to apprehend Awate but failed. The Ethiopians resorted to using different tactics to deal with Awate. Mohammed Al-Hassan Dohen indicates in his interview that Omer Hassano and Ejiel Abdulrahman did a last minute appeal to end Awate’s rebellion on August 1961. Awate responded saying: "If you want us to end our armed struggle, then you better lower the Ethiopian flag and raise up the Eritrean flag."
On September 1, 1961, eleven rebels led by Awate attacked police posts in the west of Eritrea include one on Mount Adal. A fierce battle ensued between Awate's and Ethiopian forces, lasting seven hours 7 hours ending in a stalemate.
The Kunama people have accused Awate of cattle raiding, razing of villages and murdering members of the local population. When Jebha-Al-Tahrir (ELF) started operating in the area after choosing Hamid Idris Awate as a military unit leader, the conflict against the Kunama people continued. The stories of his confilct are told and re-told by some Kunama people residing in the Tika and surrounding regions.
After returning from Italy, he was appointed as a security officer in western Eritrea. Shortly after, he served as deputy chief of the city of Kassala, Sudan and its surroundings during the brief Italian occupation of that city in 1940 /1941.He fought as an ascari in the Battle of keren and participated to the Italian guerilla in Eritrea against the British and Ethiopians in World War II with the cavalrymen of Ali Gabre.Resistance against Ethiopia . A man of few words. Arguably, one of the most powerful Eritrean leaders that ever lived. He feared no man and lived as a gentlemen. Men respected him and often told tales of his greatness. He spoke 10 languages and was an excellent sharp shooter. When attacked by the British, he and his loyal fighters annihilated many British troops, forcing the British into a peace treaty with him.
After Eritrea was forced into a 10 year federation and it became clear that Eritrea was not going to get its vote on whether to be independent or not like the UN charter stated would happen after the 10 year of forced federation came to an end, his followers asked him to declare war on Haile Selassie and his American backed troops...He agreed and shot the first bullets of freedom to end the annexation and occupation of the foreign Ethiopian troops. In 1958 a group of Eritrean exiles in Cairo founded the Eritrean Liberation Movement under Awate's leadership.In July 1960, in the city of Cairo, a group of young Eritrean students and intellectuals held a meeting and formed the Eritrean Liberation Front (ELF). The group consisted of the following men:
Back home, the Ethiopian authorities were suspicious of Awate’s movements and activities, and were watching him closely. Ethiopian police forces planned to arrest Awate in his village in August 1961. Turkey explains that the Ethiopians deployed a large amount of police forces but their plans were foiled by an Eritrean nationalist within the Ethiopian police who informed Awate earlier of that plan. Awate then fled to Mount Adal located to the west of Agordat.
Awate’s decision to begin armed resistance was reached after a period of long deliberations with other nationalists. In an interview with Eritrea Al-haditha, issue #75, second year, pioneer Mohammed Al-Hassan Dohen, a long time friend of Awate and Awate's assistant when he was district chief, says: "In the year 1960, Idris Mohammed Adem sent a letter to Awate, the letter was written in Arabic. Hamid Awate told me that Idris Mohammed Adem was asking him to declare the armed struggle; but he was not ready for it at that time. After four months, Mohammed Al-Shiekh Dawud came and asked Awate to declare the revolution. Awate agreed to lead the armed struggle and declare the revolution but asked for support. Mohammed Al-Shiekh Dawud provided Awate with old arms, three five bullet rifles "abu khamsa" and gave him 300 Birr with sugar and tea. In addition, Ibrahim Mohammed Ali brought two rifles and At the beginning we were only seven, then shortly our number had grown to be 13 fighters."
The Ethiopian authorities immediately responded to Awate's declaration. According to Awate’s contemporaries, a military unit in six trucks was sent to apprehend Awate but failed. The Ethiopians resorted to using different tactics to deal with Awate. Mohammed Al-Hassan Dohen indicates in his interview that Omer Hassano and Ejiel Abdulrahman did a last minute appeal to end Awate’s rebellion on August 1961. Awate responded saying: "If you want us to end our armed struggle, then you better lower the Ethiopian flag and raise up the Eritrean flag."
On September 1, 1961, eleven rebels led by Awate attacked police posts in the west of Eritrea include one on Mount Adal. A fierce battle ensued between Awate's and Ethiopian forces, lasting seven hours 7 hours ending in a stalemate.
The Kunama people have accused Awate of cattle raiding, razing of villages and murdering members of the local population. When Jebha-Al-Tahrir (ELF) started operating in the area after choosing Hamid Idris Awate as a military unit leader, the conflict against the Kunama people continued. The stories of his confilct are told and re-told by some Kunama people residing in the Tika and surrounding regions.
After eleven month on May 27, 1962, Awate drank milk for dinner, then soon told his unit that he was not feeling good. His condition began to deteriorate quickly. Awate died on May 28, 1962. Wounded in his last battle death may have been due to battle wounds, though some claim it was from natural causes. He was buried near Haykota, Gash Barka. A statue was erected by the Government of Eritrea on the 1st of September 1994 at his grave site.
Sunday, 22 January 2012
Isaias Afwerki Is Us And We Are Him
There is a Facebook group, which I belong to, called:” We Are All Isaias Afwerki”. From the start, there were discussions about why we are all Isaias Afwerki and the answers were all the same worded differently. We are because he is the embodiment of what Eritrea is all about. We are because he is and has been the face of Eritrea past, present and has set a precedent for the future. We are because he is what Eritrea is all about; grit, determination, perseverance, commitment and he is a finisher. We are because he is like every one of us; humble and determined to leave within his means while focusing on the future sacrificing a great deal. We are because of his commitment to honor the martyrs by building a nation worthy of their sacrifices and, the list could go on…
One of the most important foundations to life is thankfulness to God/Allah for the small blessing of the world. It is only then that the blessings multiply and multiply. To recognize those small blessings is a blessing in itself. In fact, relatively speaking, many of the disadvantages Eritrea was dealt-with turned out to be a blessing. The fact that Eritrea was denied independence when all African countries were handed their “freedom” turned out to be a major blessing. It gave Eritrea the time to see the entrapments laid out in plain day light to learn from. There is a saying in Tigrigniya that means “let Him give you example and not make you one.” Eritrea was lucky to have-had examples of how not to be. However, Eritrea needed direction of how-to-be and how to chart directions away from the failing of the others that regressed precipitously due to corruption with few on the top echelon sucking the foundations-away from the people to ruins everywhere in Africa without exception.
The struggle for the independence of Eritrea was a blessing in a sense because it became a struggle for freedom not only from the chains of colonialism but also from the mental slavery that the west placed upon Africans. It gave Eritrea a space to deal with the political upheavals that Eritrea faced during the first half of the struggle that could have undone the revolution. The ethnic, religious and regional divisions the Eritrean revolution inherited was paralyzing. All these divisions and differences led to a civil war that lasted for years frustrating many that just wanted to see Eritrea focus on the enemies. This also triggered massive exodus.
Eritrea also had nothing in terms of organizational structures, resources and support to start the revolution. There was no standing organized army. The tasks at hand seemed impossible or insurmountable, and the odds were stacked against Eritrea. The possibilities that Eritrea could eject Ethiopia, a country that was backed by US, Israel and the USSR was almost unthinkable to the world. Ethiopia received then as now military, political, financial, diplomatic, and all kinds of assistances while Eritrea had none.
What Eritrea had were determined people that want independence, peace and life based on a higher standard. Eritrea had people willing to work hard, to sacrifice and pay all that they have in life that is necessary for freedom; people that are willing to endure the rigors, hardships and pain for victory. They wanted to chart their own course in uncharted territories. They carried a stick to fight tanks and, stones to fight war planes. Because that was all they had. They used their ingenuity and illusiveness to elude the enemy and fought with rifles against organized armies. In the process they learned to scavenge effectively. For the first time in the history of Africa, Eritreans fought a well trained and armed army with armaments they took away from Ethiopian soldiers they killed and captured in battle and used it to build a national army.
Eritreans fought Ethiopia and the superpowers with everything they had. They fought Ethiopian soldiers and intelligence from within Ethiopian-held cities and territories risking their lives. They fought the fight for freedom from every corner around the globe. They were resourceful, brilliant and dedicated. That again became another blessing that benefited independent Eritrea. It created a network of organized Eritreans in every corner of the world. The traditions and values that were established then are serving Eritrea in this challenging world in ways unseen anywhere. It is saving Eritrea from many threats that are threatening to wipe clean the blood of the martyrs and to undo the hard won independence.
Central in these struggles was a group of Eritrean women and men that are farsighted, brilliant, dedicated, imaginative and fearless. They were humble, down-to-earth and cognizant on the fact that Eritrea’s number one asset is her people. They lead the struggle with a realistic approach to life grounded around established ethical, religious and cultural values. They exploited those values and harnessed a work ethic that became a way of life in Eritrea. That work ethic was designed to empower the people by relying on freedom from handouts. They taught them that only collective effort can yield desired outcomes and supported that with a slogan, “Victory to the Masses” and trekked believing, “ Our struggle is long and VICTORY certain.” They trekked unfazed by distractions meant to derail the struggle. They ignored it then as now saying,” let the DOGS bark as the camel strides.” And they arrived. They arrived into a new nation victorious led by Bitsay, Tegadalay, His Excellency President Isaias Afwerki amongst other leaders.
As a new nation, Eritrea required her leaders to meet certain requirements. The leader needed to be strong, visionary, committed, selfless and experienced. It required a strong character with unshakeable faith on the people of Eritrea. It required incorruptible character that will not sell the people as they do all over Africa. It required someone with a military like discipline, with a work ethic, unfazed by the glitziest and glamour. It required someone that knows the people of Eritrea and to have a certain personal attachments, understanding, compassion and genuine affection. It required understanding of the anguishes, hardship and painful struggles they went through to get her. They needed someone who knows their homes and families; someone who is like them. Above all, they wanted someone that will honor their sons, daughters, mothers and fathers that perished. They needed someone that can carry the mantle in their honor everywhere.
Eritrea did not need a ruler. Eritrea needed someone that can be a captain of the Eritrean submarine in uncharted waters. Because every Eritrean is capable to play his or her part as they have for decades. Eritreans assumed roles to successes. Every Eritrean is a leader. That is what Eritrea requires from all her children without exception. The tasks at hand for all Eritreans are so varied and numerous it required Eritreans to roam free representing their nation in every aspect of life everywhere. It required filling all the gaps needed, however they can and as directed and they did a million times over.
That makes for a great partnership between a country and leadership; all works in harmony as it is and has been with His Excellency President Isaias Afwerki. Eritrea is a blessed nation with a leader that the world has ever seen without exaggeration. President Isaias is one of the greatest of gifts Eritrea is blessed with. It is often not commonly practiced in Eritrea to praise a leader; some are culturally squeamish since all have contributed mightily for Eritrea in many ways. That is understandable because there are those that have given entire families, limbs and paid in many ways near and dear. However, this special occasion warrants the greatest of praises to one of Eritrea’s greatest heroes.
President Isaias met all the requirements that Eritrea required and more. He is the source of strength, unity, the voice, the parental figure, the brother and warrior in trenches. He is the guide that points Eritrea in the right direction. He led the mother in a distant field toward the water that can quench the thirst of child. He is a farmer; member of huge farmland called Eritrea; and he is roaming throughout the entire country greening the land wherever he goes. He is the teacher that believes all the kids must have the same opportunities to learn not to get out of poverty as the main objective but to thrive in life and in the process; lift the nation to the highest of standards. He is the friend of the doctor that saw a nation’s health as a national imperative and built medical facilities throughout Eritrea. He is a man that knows military strategy, intelligence, security and geopolitics. He is the man that co-founded one of the strongest armies in the world and created a national service program to ensure perpetuity.
To say what transpired in Eritrea over the last half century is a miracle is to truly undermine the brilliance of Eritrea’s leaders and a leader. When the history of the world looks back at this era and particularly relative to African nations, Eritrean leaders led by His Excellency President Isaias will be looked at as the greatest leaders of our time and models to be emulated simply because of their commitment to freedom and build a nation by relying on itself. What is even mind-boggling is the simplicity of the formulas they employed. It is a formula that just focused on the masses to be aware, organize and get armed for life.
In life, the average person is limited to certain accomplishments mainly personal. What His Excellency President Isaias Afwerki has done with his life is admirable. Eritrea is blessed to have leaders that function at high levels. However, President Isaias epitomizes the best of them. He is selfless, focused, brilliant and a true Eritrean who made Eritrea, his life’s work. He lived Eritrea. Eritrea is his mission, his way of life and life. He gave his life for Eritrea. That commitment is the reason why he was able to oversee Eritrea transform through critical stages that propelled Eritrea into the world stage that we are witnessing today. He saw the beginning and lived the transformation. He experienced all the ups and downs of the Eritrean revolution from atop. He lived through the hardships to see the independence of Eritrea by defeating enemies. He oversaw the unthinkable; the yanking of the Derg regime; facilitated a regime change and produced the signature that engraved Eritrea as a member nation of the UN. He ushered Eritrea into a new Era of independence through the referendum.
Soon after independence, Eritrea was challenged as a nation militarily, politically, economically and in every conceivable way by enemies that wanted to reverse a hard won independence. His Excellency President Isaias again guided the nation with strength, and showed Eritrea the way-out into the new platform of freedom that is in the process of placing Eritrea in par with the rest the developed world in unprecedented speed shocking detractors and naysayers. The only way to describe it will be to liken it to a nuclear submarine navigating through the darkest and most hostile of deep waters under extreme pressures. The President has guided it through the deep waters into an oasis. To say we are living in the most hostile part of the world is understatement. All one has to do is think of Djibouti, Yemen, Somalia, Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia and think about the internal strife in these nations. Think about the geopolitical interests of the superpowers that want to destroy any semblance of nationalistic attitudes anywhere in the region. Think about the greedy that want to exploit our riches at the expense of the people. Yet, only Eritreans are truly enjoying their nation in its truest of forms communally in unison with President Isaias in observance.
As Wedi Tkabo sings, “Eritrea’s umbrella is untouchable by the raging fire because you are our cover, Butterfly.” The raging fire and destitution plaguing the region is distant from Eritrea because of leaders that bought Eritrea time and anchored the people in united purposes. That is the hard truth that the enemies are finding hard to swallow.
I am and we are Isaias Afwerki because we all stand for one common purpose, Eritrea. In an effort to subjugate Eritrea and make the people of Eritrea kneel and bow; with the idea, if you cut the head the body will fall; the enemies of Eritrea waged major demonizing campaigns against His Excellency President Isaias Afwerki. They want to extricate the president from the people. In a sense they said the President Isaias is Eritrea. The reality however, where Eritrea is today is the cumulative result of the hard work of the people. If President Isaias is capable to achieve all these Eritrean successes individually; then he is GOD.
Hence, His Excellency President Isaias is not Eritrea but he is Eritrean representing Eritrea; his people. And the people are saying yes! Eritreans are flocking to New York from Europe, Canada, and West coast and all over US to show him support. They are flocking in busses, planes and cars spending thousands to say “We are All Isaias Afwerki. He is us, we are him and we are Eritrea and, nothing can change that”!
ክብርን ሞጎስን ንጀጋኑ ሰማእታትና !!
ዓወት ንሓፋሽ !!
ዓወት ንሓፋሽ !!
Ethiopia: Meles's Shame and the Dead-End of Hatred
By Messay Kebede -
Meles Zenawi’s blatant hatred of Ethiopia is a puzzle that Ethiopian intellectual circles have in vain tried to decipher. While some propose the suggestion that the hatred betrays his commitment to his Eritrean side, others consider it as an expression of his ethnic racism. Still others remain baffled, unable as they are to understand how he revels in denigrating the object of his obsession, namely, state power. One thing is sure, however, they all agree on the idea that his overall policy and its day-to-day implementation make sense only from the vantage point of a project to ransack Ethiopia’s resources and leave the rest to the vultures of ethnic secessionism. Harsh dictators have ruled Ethiopia in the past, but all considered themselves as Ethiopians. What is new with Meles is his anti-Ethiopian stand and his open contempt for whatever is Ethiopian.
Yet, one important element liable to explain Meles’s hatred has been with us for quite some time. I have in mind the history of his family, which is a history marred by collaboration with the occupying Italian forces. Notably, his grandfather not only worked for the Italians, but he was also an appointee and an office holder. What this means is that Meles had to deal very early with this family shame, which according to testimonies brought scorn and isolation on his family.
Now, there are two ways of dealing with this kind of existential predicament. There is the positive way according to which the person affected by family disgrace tries to behave in such a way as to repair the fault. In the case of Meles, this would mean showing a renewed and active commitment to Ethiopia. This is the path of expiation, which requires a serious self-examination and, mostly, a great amount of courage. All the available and trustworthy testimonies about Meles agree on the fact that courage was and is not one of his virtues.
There remains the second path, which is negative and consonant with the lack of courage. It is the path of denial, that is, the denial of betrayal. In order to accomplish this metamorphosis, Meles has to demean Ethiopia and devalue all its accomplishments. The more he belittles Ethiopia, the more he weakens the gravity of the family betrayal, and the less guilty and stained he feels. There was no betrayal since what his family supposedly betrayed was just a trash.
There remains the second path, which is negative and consonant with the lack of courage. It is the path of denial, that is, the denial of betrayal. In order to accomplish this metamorphosis, Meles has to demean Ethiopia and devalue all its accomplishments. The more he belittles Ethiopia, the more he weakens the gravity of the family betrayal, and the less guilty and stained he feels. There was no betrayal since what his family supposedly betrayed was just a trash.
The path of denial nurtures hatred for the simple reason that hatred is a self-defense, a counter to the feeling of being despised by others. When you feel that other people despise you, you react by developing an intense dislike for them as a way of protecting yourself. If you hate them, you get rid of all scruples and sensitivity and adopt the principle that all means are good to hurt them.
This hatred partially explains Meles’s rapid rise to the leadership of the TPLF. Who else could best express and incarnate the rage of the TPLF against the Ethiopian state and army but Meles, who in addition to sharing with other members the resentment against the marginalization of Tigray, had on him the personal scar of national betrayal. While anger motivated most members, Meles had a stronger torment: he was humiliated and could not rest until he humiliated the source of his own dishonor.
Meles’s characterization of the Ethiopian national flag as nothing but a trash, his persistence in reducing Ethiopian history to mere conquest and subordination, his delight in debunking Ethiopian heroes, his ritual of jailing pro-Ethiopian leaders and releasing them after forcing them to sign degrading letters, etc., are all part of his strategy to humiliate Ethiopia in order to feel good about himself. Add to this that his long-standing hatred has been reignited by his electoral defeat in 2005, which defeat he was quick to interpret as another attempt to humiliate him. Because the defeat revived an old wound, his crackdown on the opposition and protesters was bound to be brutal.
This is, then, an appeal to Meles urging him to psychoanalyze himself so as to become aware of the deep wound that constantly perverts his policy and contradicts his dream of becoming a great leader. As we all know, in matters of spiritual illness, awareness of the cause is an efficient cure so that the second path, the path of expiation through great deeds is still open to him. No amount of power can erase his shame so long as Meles continues to hang his rehabilitation on the trashing of Ethiopia. For the more he lowers Ethiopia, the less gratifying becomes his dominion. This contradiction is the reason why he wants more power, even though the discredit of the nation cheapens his power. In other words, the cure lies, not in the mistreatment of Ethiopia, but in its promotion, that is, in the commitment to overcome his shame through good works.
Thursday, 19 January 2012
ከፍቅር`ዩ ዝፍቀር መሲሉዎ
እወ ኣይተዓደለን ብፍቅሪ ክፍቀር
ከንቶ`ባ ኣሕሊፍዎ ድራሩ ከማእርር
ኣብዚ ተባጺሑለይ ንዕድሉ ከማርር
እቲ ፍቅሪ ሓርቢትዎ ብከመይ ከም ዝርከብ
ከፍቅር`የ ኢሉ ይጽዕር የቃምት ብተብተብ
ክፍቀር እየ ኢሉ ግን ብፉጹም ዘየሓስብ
ከፍቅር`የ ኢሉ ዝፍቀር ዝፍቀር መሲሉዎ
ዕድሉ እንተማርር ኣይተፈቅርን ከምዝበሉዎ
ንግዜ እንትረግም ጽምዋ ቢሒትዎ
እቲ ፍቅሪ`ሲ ብገንዘብ ኣይዕደግን
ከም ንብረት እውን ኣይልወጥን ት`ሽግር
እሞ ከየፍቀረ ከመይገይሩ ከፍቅር
ሕልና ሲሒቱ ንፍቅሪ ክምእርር
ላዕልን ታሕትን ከፍቅር ክጽዕር
እንተ ኣነሞ ምክረይ ከምዚኣ ዳኣላ
ግዘካ ተጸበ ሓንቲ ማዓልቲ ኣላ
ንስካ ትሕጎሰ ነታ ተፍቅራ ተፍቅረላ
ሕጂ ኣይትሸኩል ንግዘ ኣይተሐንኩላ
ተጸበ ኣጆካ ክትመጸልካ እያ ባዕላ ::
ኣይተጋገኩን ይመስለኒ ::ስለምንታይ`ሲ ፍቅሪ ደሊካ ትርከብ ኣይመስለንን ምክንያቱ ፍቅሪ ናይ ባዕላ ተፈጥራዊ ሕጊ ፍቅሪ ስለ ትውንን እዩ:: በቲ ሓደ ወገን ድማ ትርጉም ሂወት እንዳ ፈለጥካ ከምዘይ ፈለጥካ ጠሓሒስካ ዝሕለፍ ተዝከውን ክንደይ ምመቀረ ይሩ ዘይኮነስ ደቂ ሰባት ብሽም ህላውነቶም እንዳ ተቀያየሩ ኣብ ነንባዕሎም ካብቲ ዘለዉዎን ዝዓይዎን ተግባር ዝባኣሰ ኣሰር ህላውነቶም ከሕድሩ ኣይምካኣሉን ::ሂወት ቡዙሕ መሳናክልን ዓቀበትን ቁልቁለትን ዝሓዘለት ዑሾክ እያ::በቲ ሓደ ወገን ዲማ ባህርያአ ግን ዘይንጹርን ብተስፋኣዊ ሕልመትን ሕልምን ጭካናኣዊ ስነምግባር ዝተከበበት እያ ትመስል::ፍቅሪ:ጭካነ:ሓልዮት:ታህጋስ:ጓህን ምረትን ኩሎም ኣብ ሓደ ደረጃ ሂወት ተሰኪዖም ባዕለሙን ነንባዕሎም እንዳተፈራረዱ ክቅጽሉ ከለዉ እቲ ጭካናዊ ባህሪኦም ብድሕሪት እንዳ ገደፉ ብሰላምን ራህዋን ክነብሩዋ ይፍትኑ:: ናብዚ ደረጃ ከብጽሖም ዝካኣለ ግን ኣብ ነንባሎም ብዘርእይዎ ፍቅርን ጽልኣትን`ዩ ::ከመይሲ ህላወ ፍቅሪ መበገሲኡ ሂወት ስለ ዝኮነ እዩ ይመስለኒ ከመይሲ ፍቅሪ ኣብ ነብስናን መበገሲናን ኢና ንጅምሮ ኣባሃህላይ ኣብ በተሰብን ነንባዕልና ብዘሎና ሓልዮት ዝተሞርከሰ ይመስለኒ ጥራሕ ዘይኮነ`ሲ ንባዕሉ እቲፍቅሪ እዩ ናይ ህላወና መበገሲ`ዩ ::
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