Saho who occupy Eastern foot hills of Akeleguzai and Semhar region of Eritrea are among the country’s longest-established peoples. For over three thousand years of their known history they have watched civilizations flourish and decay with their own lives. Unfortunately, no attempt has been made by Saho scholars or others to document the very rich history and culture Saho’s are endowed with. Therefore, sources regarding social structure, mode of life, history and culture of Saho are scarce.
The information provided on this web is a modest attempt to bridge this gap, initiated by interested Saho individuals, hoping it will attract those who are more knowledgeable and capable Saho and non-Saho individuals or groups to assist with efforts to document Saho history, heritage, and culture.
No official census has yet been made to determine Eritrea’s population. However, it is acknowledged that Saho are the third largest ethnic group in Eritrea. Many Saho observers estimate Saho population as being a little over 10% of Eritrea’s estimated 3.1 million inhabitants.
The overwhelming majority of Saho inhabit Eritrea but there are Saho tribes who reside along the border areas of Eritrea and Tigrai region of Ethiopia.
In Eritrea, Saho mainly dwell in the Eastern foothills of Akele-Saho (aka Akele-guzai) and Semhar occupying 60% or more of the landmass. Saho’s are also found intermingled amongst Tigrinia speaking populace in parts of Eritrea’s highland regions (Akeleguzai, Seraye and Hamasein). They also intermingle with Tigre speaking tribes in Lowland regions (Semhar and Barka) as well as with Afars to the East plains of Samoti and Wangabo.
1. Assa-Awurta and It comprises :
• Lelish Are
• Assa- Kare
• Asa-Lesan
• Sarma Are
° Faqih Dik
° Urus Abusa
2. Minifre comprises sub groups off:
Gaaso clans comprise:
• Shum Abdalla Gaisha
• Yofish Gaisha
• Silyan Gaish
• Asa-Ushmaal
• Oni - Maal
• Salmunta
• Gadafur
Dasamo clans comprise:
• Abdallah Harak
• Naefie Harak
• Mosat Harak
• Subakum Are
• Daili Are
• Kundes
• Asa Bora
Faqat Harak comprises
• Faqih Abubakar
• Faqih Omar
• Faqih Ahmad.
Silaita clans comprise
• Hakatti Are
• Qomma Are
• Zella Are
• Halato
• Abbarior
3. Hado ( Hazo) comprise :
• Assa Alila
• Assa Ali Gaisha
• Bukaito
• Hammadi Gaisha
• Hakabi Gaisha
• Hamad Kayoya
• Konsubi fire
• Laa-Asa
• Musa Bago
• Omarto
• Unda Omarto
4. Tarua comprises:
• Sara Are
• Mussa Are
5. Sheikha the confederacy of Sheikha known as “Malhina Meem Bara” are:
• Intile Sheik Are
• Sheik Salum Are (aka as sheikh Mahmoud Dik in Samhar)
• Danagulta
• Hajji Abkur
• Iror Naba
• Edim Bago
• Sheikh Lahlaha
6. Dabri Mela comprise:
• Ala Des Are
• Labhalet Are
8. Idda
9. Sanafe
10. Baradotta
11. Irob comprises:
• Adgadee Are
• Bouknaitee Are
• Hasaballa
Saho Tribes of Samhar:
Samhar is home to extensive number of Saho tribes and clans who trace their lineage to the larger Saho tribes that are listed above. They include: Tarua, Lahlaha, Tawakalto (aka ad Tawakkal), Eddefer Dik (aka Eddeferari), Chewai Dik, Kadida (aka Ad Qadi), Barole Dik, Idda, Lelish Are, Foqrotti Are, Hajjiabkur, Asa Lesan, Sabbe Dik, Harak Dik, Haggi wad Hamid Are, Shenghebai Dik, Sangor Dik, Khalifa Are, Adulai Are, Minni Are, Shehabi Are, Habona Are, Amir Dik, Zakaria Dik, Shemo Are, Tsewai Are, Hasino Are, Talke Are, Shikan Are, Sadiko Are, Edim Bagi Are, Sheik Humad Arkale Are, Sheik Yassin Are, Ansara Are, Debrom Are, Falul Are, Dini Are, Gubbala Are, Yusuf Are, Unda Ali Are, Haggi Abdu Are, Khalifa Ahmad Are, Nabara Dik, Ali Babu Dik, Gadam Siga Dik.
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