يتم الخلط بين معظم الرجال عن امرأة ما يريد فعلا ، وأنا أعرف أنا. يمكننا أن نفترض أنه هو خاتم من الماس أو منزل لطيفة في حي جميلة أو التأكد من تلبية احتياجات الأسرة أو أن يكون أبا جيدا أو استكمال العسل تأليف لائحة ، الخ هذه الأشياء (وأكثر من ذلك بكثير!) هي ، في رأيي ، أساسيات امرأة ما يستحقه. الامم المتحدة ولحسن الحظ ، فإن معظم الرجال أنفسهم مشغول مع جعل الصف على ما هو المطلوب عمليا ، إلى حد ما ، للحفاظ على هذه العلاقة. العمل الحقيقي هو اكتشاف يريد واحتياجات ورغبات المرأة لدينا بالإضافة إلى الأساسيات. في الواقع ، أعتقد أن هذا هو الشيء الذي نتوق النساء. انها مجرد ليست كافية لأخذ الحيطة والحذر منها. مفاجأة لي ، وتثير لي ، صدمة لي هو ما يبدو أن النساء تصرخ بصمت لرجالهن. بعض النساء قد يكون التعبير عن هذا الشعور مباشرة إلى آذان صماء ، وهذا أمر محزن بالنسبة لعلاقتنا. المشكلة هي ، بالنسبة لنا الرجال الذين يريدون حقا لتحقيق تلك الابتسامة على وجهك رائع ، فإنه ليس من السهل دائما أن لمعرفة ما يجعل هذا يحدث. سوف نطلب ، وسوف يقال لنا ، ونحن سوف نقب وحتى عندما يبدو أن لدينا ترد عليها ، فإنه يتغير. أنا أعرف الكثير من الرجال منا يمكن استخدام بعض التعليم في مجالات الإبداع والعفوية. وقد أعربت النساء ما يريدون على ما يبدو لي فقط يريدون شيئا مختلفا تماما ولو لبضع ساعات في وقت لاحق. ما يعطي؟ بالتأكيد ، من وجهة نظر الرجل ، فإنه من المهم أن يكون هناك خيارات ووضع خطة للطوارئ ، ولكن في وجود علاقة ، لا ينبغي أن تكون هذه الأمور واضحة ومفتوحة؟ سمعت أن المرأة مثل الرجل في سر. ما هو رجال مثل اليقين. دعونا نواجه الأمر : نحن دائما وسوف يكون على الأرجح لغزا لبعضنا البعض. الغرض من هذا النقاش هو لتشجيع النساء على أن تكون واضحة بشأن كيفية إرضاء لهم. ماذا يفعل الرجال ، وعندما نرى هذا الهدف ، هو أن نحمل على أنها مهمة. الحصول على ملتزمون الشيء الذي أبهر لك. إذا كنت تريد التفرد في النتيجة ، والحفاظ على إعطائنا بعثة جديدة وفرصة للنجاح ، ونحن سوف يموت في المحاولة. تريد إحباط رجل؟ فليذهب المسافة أو أن يكون العنوان واضح في هذا الاتجاه ، ثم تغيير عقلك. يمكن لمعظم الناس لا تقف للارتباك ، والرجال ليست استثناء. تعطي الرجل فرصة للنجاح وسيجد على الأرجح الطريقة ونفعل ذلك مرارا وتكرارا ، وهذا هو كيف نعمل. يأخذ هذا النجاح ومعظم اللاعبين يفقدون الاهتمام في المحاولة. لجعل الأمور أسوأ ، فسوف فلنفعل العطاءات الخاصة بك ، ثم تجاهل أو انتقاد جهودنا. هذا الوضع ليس للجانبين. وهناك رجل ذكي يسمح بتوجيه نفسه بشكل طبيعي إلى فعل ما يريد امرأة. نعم ، نحن بحاجة إلى تدريب. الشيء البارد هو أنه نتيجة لفوز / فوز. معظم النساء لقد عملت مع لأنفسهم تعلموا كيفية توفير رجلهم مع فرص للنجاح ، ونقدر جهوده وبالتالي تجد نفسها الوقوع في الحب على أساس منتظم ؛ مع الرجل نفسه! قد تجد حتى رجلك تقدم أكثر من التي طلبتها. الرجال لقد عملت مع بدء البحث عن طرق مبتكرة لجعل ابتسامة امرأة وعندما يكتشفون كيف تعمل الأشياء بشكل جيد إلى حد مذهل.
Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.- Ibrahim wedi higo
Thursday, 22 September 2011
About What a Woman Really Wants?
Most men are confused about what a woman really wants; I know I am. We can assume that it’s the diamond ring or the nice house in the nice neighborhood or making sure the family’s needs are met or being a good father or completing the honey-do list, etc. These things (and so many more!) are, in my opinion, the basics of what a woman deserves.Unfortunately, most men busy themselves with making the grade on what is virtually required, to some extent, to maintain the relationship. The real work is to discover the wants, needs and desires of our woman in addition to the basics. Actually, I think that’s the thing that women crave. It’s just not enough to be taken care of. Surprise me, excite me, shock me is what women seem to be silently screaming to their men. Some women may be directly expressing this sentiment to deaf ears; that’s sad for the relationship.
Problem is, for us guys that really want to bring that gorgeous smile to your face, it isn’t always that easy to figure out what makes that happen. We will ask, we will be told, we will sleuth and even when it seems that we’ve figured it out, it changes. I know a lot of us men could use some education in the areas of creativity and spontaneity. Women have seemingly expressed what they want to me only to want something totally different even a few hours later. What gives?
Surely, from a man’s perspective, it’s important to have options and a contingency plan, yet in a relationship, shouldn’t these things be open and obvious? I’ve heard that women like mystery in a man. What men like is certainty. Let’s face it: we are and will likely always be a mystery to one another. The purpose of this discussion is to encourage women to be clear on how to please them.
What men do, when we see the objective, is take it on as a mission. We get committed to the thing that dazzles you. If you want uniqueness in the outcome, keep giving us a new mission and the chance to succeed and we’ll die trying. Want to frustrate a man? Let him go the distance or be heading distinctly in that direction, then change your mind. Most people cannot stand forconfusion; men are no exception. Give a man an opportunity to succeed and he will likely find a way and do it again and again; that’s how we work. Take away that success and most guys lose interest in trying. To make matters worse, you’ll let us do your bidding, then ignore or criticize our efforts. That’s a no-win situation.
A smart guy will allow himself to be naturally guided into doing what a woman wants. Yes, we do need to be trained. Cool thing is that it’s a win/win result. Most of the women I have worked with have learned for themselves how to provide their man with the opportunities for success,appreciate his efforts and thus find themselves falling in love on a regular basis; with the same man! You may even find your man offering more than you asked for. The men I’ve worked with begin looking for creative ways to make their woman smile and when they discover how, things work out amazingly well.
It is me K.L
It is me K.L
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
ነታ ኣብ ደንደስ’ቲ መገዲ ሕብስቲ እትሸይጥ ሰበይቲ ኣይፈልጣን ሓላፍ መገዲ’ዬ። ፈረንካ ሂበያ ሕብስቲ ሸይጣትለይ ሕብስተይ እንዳቋረፍኩ መገደይ እቕጽል። እታ ሰበይቲ በቲ ሰልዲ ንጉስ ንክልኢት’ኳ ኣይተጠራጠረትን። እታ ሰበይቲ ከይትስምመኒ ንክልኢት እኳ ኣይተጠራጠርኩን። ኣነን እታ ሰበይትን ዘይንፋለጥ ክነስና እቲ ሓደ ነቲ ሓደ ከይጎድእ ተኣማሚንና። እቲ ሓደ ነቲ ሓደ እንተጎድአ ግን ሕድሕዳዊ ምትእምማንና ጠፊኡ ዝምድናና ይሽሕክር። ናብራ ከኣ ንክልቴና ይጽንክር። ኣታ ሰበይቲ ነታ ፈረንካ ብስና ክትሓካ ትጅምር ብሩር ዝጠዓመ ነሓሲ ከፊለ ከይከውን ትጠራጠር። ኣነ’ውን ነቲ ሕብስቲ ጥዒማ ክትህበኒ እገብር ንዘይኣምነኒ ስለዘይኣምን። እሞ ድኣ ኣብ ቤት መግቢ ኣትየ ክስራሕ ዘይረኣኹዎ መግቢ ከመይ ክበልዕ? እምበር’ዶ እቲ መካኒክ ነታ መኪና ከም’ቲ ዝደለኹዎ ኣዐርዩዋ እዩ? ነታ ክሳደይ”ከ ከመይ ንላጻዪ ክህባ? ገንዘበይ ከመይ ኣብ ባንክ ከቐምጥ? ናብ ስራሕ ምስከድኩ ሰበይተይ ወይ ጓል ኣንስተይቲ ዓርከይ እንታይ ከም ትገብር ብድሕረይ እንታይ እፈልጥ? ህይወተይ ድማ ናብ ቀጻሊ ምጥርጣር ትወድቕ’ሞ ንመጠረስትኡ እታ ሰበይቲ ሕብስቲ ከይሸጠት፡ ኣነ’ውን ጥምዬተይ ከየዓንገልኩ ንተርፍ።ብዙሓት ሓለምቲ ዓለም ብፍቕሪ እያ ትኸይድ ይብሉ።
ብዙሓት ተግባራውያን ኢና በሃልቲ ከኣ ኣይፋልን ዓለም ብገንዘብ እያ ትሽክርከር ይብሉ። ኣነ ግን እብለኩም ዓለም ብእምነት እያ ትኸይድ። ብዘይካ እምነትን ሕድሕዳዊ እምነትን ዝኾነ ማሕበራዊን ቁጠባዊ ርክብ ኣይህሉን። ሕድሕዳዊ እምነት መሰረት ኵሉ ማሕበራዊ ዝምድናታት እዩ። ደቂ ሰባት ብዘይካ ሕድሕዳዊ ምትእምማን ብሓባር ክነብሩን ክሰርሑን ኣንበይከኣሉን። ሕድሕዳዊ ምትእምማን ንሕልኽላኻት መዓልታዊ ህይወትና የቃልል ጥራሕ ደይኮነስ መበገሲናን መዛዘሚናን እዩ። ብዘይካ ሕድሕዳዊ ምትእምማን፡ ደቂ ሰባት ብፍቅሪን ብሕታዊ ደስታናን ኣይምነበሩን። ናይ ገዛእ ርእሱ ደሴት ዝኾነ ሰብን ማሕበረ ሰብን የሎን። ድሕነትን ናብራን ሓደ ኣብ ተግባራት ካልኦት ዝተመርኮሰ ስለዝኾነ ድማ ብዘይካ ሕድሕዳዊ ምትእምማን፡ ሰባት፡ ሓንቲ ስጕምቲ’ኳ ንቕድሚት ኣንበይኸዱን።
እምነት፣ ሰባት፡ ነገራት፡ መጠናት ንዘንበርናሎም ሓደራ ክፍጽሙ ምጽባይ እዩ። ነቲ ዘንበርናሎም ሓላፍነት ብጌጋን ንጕድኣትን ከይጥቀምሉ ምእማንን ምትስፋውን። ብጋህድን ተግባርን ዝተኸስተ እምነት ከኣ ዝያዳ እምነት ይፈጥር።እንተኾነ፡ እምነት፡ ኵሉ ጊዜ እምነት ኣይፈጥርን። ከም ዝኾነ ኣምር እምነትን ሕድሕዳዊ ምትእምማንን ግርንቢጦም ኣሎውዎም። ብርቱዕ፡ ዕዉር እምነት ኣብ’ቲ ተኣማኒ ጥልመት የተባብዕ። ሕሉፍ እምነት፡ ከም ዝኾነ ሕሉፍ፡ ንመጠረስትኡ የበላሹ። ንዝተነብረሎም ሓደራ ኣብ ጥቕሚ ገጻእ ርእሶም ዘውዕሉ ጠላማት ይርከቡ። ንዝተነብረሎም ሓደራ ዘይበቕዑ ክእለተኣልቦታት’ውን ይርከቡ። ሽሕ”ኳ ሕድሕዳዊ ምትእምማን ንሕይወትና ድሕንትን፡ ቅልጥፍትን ጥዕምትን ህድእትን ዝገብር ተኣምር እንተኾነ፡ ቀለልቲ ኣመንቲ ከይንኸውን ዘስተውዕሉና ሓያሎ ኣሉታዊ ተሞኵሮታት’ውን ይነብሩ። ስለ’ዚ ከኣ’ዩ እምነት ጽቡቕ’ዩ ዝተባህለ።
ንምሉእ ህይወትና ዝከታተሉ ዓመምቲ ሕቶታት። ንውልቀሰባትን ትካላትን፡ ንፍቑራትናን ኣዕሩኽትናን፡ ንወለድን ውሉዳትን፡ ንወሃብቲ ስራሕን ሰራሕተኛታትን፡ ንኣፍረይትን ዓሚላትን፡ ንሓካይምን ሕሙማትን፡ ንመንግስታትን ህዝብን፡ ንማዕከናት ሓበሬታን ተሓበርትን … ንዅሎም ብማዕርነት ዝምልከት ሕቶ’ዩ። ክሳብ ብጭቡጥ ጥልመት ዘየረጋገጽና ምእማን ኵሉ ጊዜ ኣዎንታዊ እዩ። ኵልና ክንእመን ንደሊ ኢና። ተኣማንነት፡ ምስ ሓፈሻዊ ክብረትን ዋጋን ደቂ ሰባት – ማለት፡ መንፈሳዊ ጽባቔኦም – ዝተኣሳሰር ኣምር ወይ ፍልጠት እዩ። እምነት ዝተነብረሉ ክብረት ክስምዖ፡ እምነት ዝተሳሕቦ ከኣ ሕስረት ክስምዖ ጠባይና’ዩ። እቲ እምነት ዝተነብረሉ ከኣ ርእሰ እምነቱ ይዓቢ’ሞ ነቲ ዝተነብረሉ ሓላፍነት፡ ሓደራ ከፈጽም ይኽእል። እምነት፡ ኣብ’ቲ እሙን ሓቦን ተበግሶን ፈጣርነትን ይፈጥር። እቲ ሓዲሽ ዝተፈጥረ ነፍሰ እምነት ከኣ መሊሱ ዝያዳ እምነት ይፈጥር ሓደ ቀጻሊ ንላዕሊ ሓዃሪ ምንቅስቓስ’ዩ። ቅድሚ መንፈሳዊ ጽባቐ ምዃኑ ግን እምነት ሓደ ተራ፡ ግዙፍ ነገራዊ ተግባራዊ መሳለጢ ናይ ሓባራዊ ልሙጽ ናብራን ምዕብልናን እዩ። እንተኾነ፡ ሰብ፡ ካብ መሬት ተንሲኡ ንዝኾነ ኣይኣምንን። እቲ ፍርቂ ምሉእ እንተላይ ፍርቂ ጎደሎ ኣዩ።
እሞ፡ ሓደ፡ ብመሰረታዊ ጠባዩ ክእመን ወይ ከይእመን ይኽእል። ነዊሕ ተሞኵሮን ፍልጠትን ካብ’ቶም ተኣማንነት ዘሕድሩ ብቕዓታት እዮም። እቲ ነቲ ንቡርን ዘይንቡርን ኣብ ህይወት ዝፈልጥ ንሱ ንዝፍጠሩ ግድላት ክፈትሕ ይኽእል’ዩ ተባሂሉ ይእመነሉ። እምበኣር ተሞኵሮ ሓደ ካብቶም እምነት ዘሕድሩ ብቕዓታት እዩ። እቲ ዝተኣምነ ከኣ፡ መብዛህትኡ ጊዜ፡ ነቲ ተኣማንነት ኣብ ነብሱን ከባቢኡን የንጸባርቖ። ቈልዓ፡ ምሉእ እምነት ድሕንነት ይህወቱ ኣብ ወለዱ የንብር። ወለዲ ከኣ ብኡ መጠን ነቲ ህጻን የፍቕሩን ድሕንነቱ የረጋግጹን። ኣዕሩዅቲ’ውን ከምኡ። ምንጪ መሰረታዊ እምነት ምትእምማን ዝተሰረተ ተሞኵሮን ምንጽብራቑን እዩ። ሕድሕዳዊ ምትእምማን ብንቕሓት ዝትከልን መዓልታዊ ምዅስኳስን ምጕልጓልን ዘድልዮ ህያው ዝምድና እዩ። እምነትን ሕድሕዳዊ ምትእምማንን ናብ ባህልን ልምድን ክሳብ ዝትከሉ፣ ናብ ባህረታዊ ጠባይ ሰብ ክሳብ ዝህነጹ ኣብ እምነትን ምትእምማንን ዝተመርኮሰ ናይ ነዊሕ ጊዜ ዝምድናን ተሞኵሮን ይሓቱ። ሽሕ’ኳ ባህረታዊ እምነትን የዋህነትን (ጕድለት ንቑሕ እምነት) ከይዳወሱ ምጥንቃቕ ዘድሊ እንተኾነ ብመሰረቱስ እምነት ኣዎንታዊ እዩ። እምነት፡ እምነት ይፈጥር። ክሕደት ድማ ክሕደት ይሃንጽ::
* ነቲ ዘይኣምን ኣይትእመኖ
*ተኣምንነቱ ዘጥፍአ ንኹሉ ኣጥፈኦ
*ኣብ ምእማን ተጠንቀቕ። ብፍላይ ድማ ኣብ ዘይምእማን
*ርእሰ እምነት ምንጪ ኵሉ እምነታት እዩ። እቲ ነፍሰ እምነት ዘይብሉ ንኻልኦት’ውን ኣይኣምንን
ብዙሓት ተግባራውያን ኢና በሃልቲ ከኣ ኣይፋልን ዓለም ብገንዘብ እያ ትሽክርከር ይብሉ። ኣነ ግን እብለኩም ዓለም ብእምነት እያ ትኸይድ። ብዘይካ እምነትን ሕድሕዳዊ እምነትን ዝኾነ ማሕበራዊን ቁጠባዊ ርክብ ኣይህሉን። ሕድሕዳዊ እምነት መሰረት ኵሉ ማሕበራዊ ዝምድናታት እዩ። ደቂ ሰባት ብዘይካ ሕድሕዳዊ ምትእምማን ብሓባር ክነብሩን ክሰርሑን ኣንበይከኣሉን። ሕድሕዳዊ ምትእምማን ንሕልኽላኻት መዓልታዊ ህይወትና የቃልል ጥራሕ ደይኮነስ መበገሲናን መዛዘሚናን እዩ። ብዘይካ ሕድሕዳዊ ምትእምማን፡ ደቂ ሰባት ብፍቅሪን ብሕታዊ ደስታናን ኣይምነበሩን። ናይ ገዛእ ርእሱ ደሴት ዝኾነ ሰብን ማሕበረ ሰብን የሎን። ድሕነትን ናብራን ሓደ ኣብ ተግባራት ካልኦት ዝተመርኮሰ ስለዝኾነ ድማ ብዘይካ ሕድሕዳዊ ምትእምማን፡ ሰባት፡ ሓንቲ ስጕምቲ’ኳ ንቕድሚት ኣንበይኸዱን።
እምነት፣ ሰባት፡ ነገራት፡ መጠናት ንዘንበርናሎም ሓደራ ክፍጽሙ ምጽባይ እዩ። ነቲ ዘንበርናሎም ሓላፍነት ብጌጋን ንጕድኣትን ከይጥቀምሉ ምእማንን ምትስፋውን። ብጋህድን ተግባርን ዝተኸስተ እምነት ከኣ ዝያዳ እምነት ይፈጥር።እንተኾነ፡ እምነት፡ ኵሉ ጊዜ እምነት ኣይፈጥርን። ከም ዝኾነ ኣምር እምነትን ሕድሕዳዊ ምትእምማንን ግርንቢጦም ኣሎውዎም። ብርቱዕ፡ ዕዉር እምነት ኣብ’ቲ ተኣማኒ ጥልመት የተባብዕ። ሕሉፍ እምነት፡ ከም ዝኾነ ሕሉፍ፡ ንመጠረስትኡ የበላሹ። ንዝተነብረሎም ሓደራ ኣብ ጥቕሚ ገጻእ ርእሶም ዘውዕሉ ጠላማት ይርከቡ። ንዝተነብረሎም ሓደራ ዘይበቕዑ ክእለተኣልቦታት’ውን ይርከቡ። ሽሕ”ኳ ሕድሕዳዊ ምትእምማን ንሕይወትና ድሕንትን፡ ቅልጥፍትን ጥዕምትን ህድእትን ዝገብር ተኣምር እንተኾነ፡ ቀለልቲ ኣመንቲ ከይንኸውን ዘስተውዕሉና ሓያሎ ኣሉታዊ ተሞኵሮታት’ውን ይነብሩ። ስለ’ዚ ከኣ’ዩ እምነት ጽቡቕ’ዩ ዝተባህለ።
ንምሉእ ህይወትና ዝከታተሉ ዓመምቲ ሕቶታት። ንውልቀሰባትን ትካላትን፡ ንፍቑራትናን ኣዕሩኽትናን፡ ንወለድን ውሉዳትን፡ ንወሃብቲ ስራሕን ሰራሕተኛታትን፡ ንኣፍረይትን ዓሚላትን፡ ንሓካይምን ሕሙማትን፡ ንመንግስታትን ህዝብን፡ ንማዕከናት ሓበሬታን ተሓበርትን … ንዅሎም ብማዕርነት ዝምልከት ሕቶ’ዩ። ክሳብ ብጭቡጥ ጥልመት ዘየረጋገጽና ምእማን ኵሉ ጊዜ ኣዎንታዊ እዩ። ኵልና ክንእመን ንደሊ ኢና። ተኣማንነት፡ ምስ ሓፈሻዊ ክብረትን ዋጋን ደቂ ሰባት – ማለት፡ መንፈሳዊ ጽባቔኦም – ዝተኣሳሰር ኣምር ወይ ፍልጠት እዩ። እምነት ዝተነብረሉ ክብረት ክስምዖ፡ እምነት ዝተሳሕቦ ከኣ ሕስረት ክስምዖ ጠባይና’ዩ። እቲ እምነት ዝተነብረሉ ከኣ ርእሰ እምነቱ ይዓቢ’ሞ ነቲ ዝተነብረሉ ሓላፍነት፡ ሓደራ ከፈጽም ይኽእል። እምነት፡ ኣብ’ቲ እሙን ሓቦን ተበግሶን ፈጣርነትን ይፈጥር። እቲ ሓዲሽ ዝተፈጥረ ነፍሰ እምነት ከኣ መሊሱ ዝያዳ እምነት ይፈጥር ሓደ ቀጻሊ ንላዕሊ ሓዃሪ ምንቅስቓስ’ዩ። ቅድሚ መንፈሳዊ ጽባቐ ምዃኑ ግን እምነት ሓደ ተራ፡ ግዙፍ ነገራዊ ተግባራዊ መሳለጢ ናይ ሓባራዊ ልሙጽ ናብራን ምዕብልናን እዩ። እንተኾነ፡ ሰብ፡ ካብ መሬት ተንሲኡ ንዝኾነ ኣይኣምንን። እቲ ፍርቂ ምሉእ እንተላይ ፍርቂ ጎደሎ ኣዩ።
እሞ፡ ሓደ፡ ብመሰረታዊ ጠባዩ ክእመን ወይ ከይእመን ይኽእል። ነዊሕ ተሞኵሮን ፍልጠትን ካብ’ቶም ተኣማንነት ዘሕድሩ ብቕዓታት እዮም። እቲ ነቲ ንቡርን ዘይንቡርን ኣብ ህይወት ዝፈልጥ ንሱ ንዝፍጠሩ ግድላት ክፈትሕ ይኽእል’ዩ ተባሂሉ ይእመነሉ። እምበኣር ተሞኵሮ ሓደ ካብቶም እምነት ዘሕድሩ ብቕዓታት እዩ። እቲ ዝተኣምነ ከኣ፡ መብዛህትኡ ጊዜ፡ ነቲ ተኣማንነት ኣብ ነብሱን ከባቢኡን የንጸባርቖ። ቈልዓ፡ ምሉእ እምነት ድሕንነት ይህወቱ ኣብ ወለዱ የንብር። ወለዲ ከኣ ብኡ መጠን ነቲ ህጻን የፍቕሩን ድሕንነቱ የረጋግጹን። ኣዕሩዅቲ’ውን ከምኡ። ምንጪ መሰረታዊ እምነት ምትእምማን ዝተሰረተ ተሞኵሮን ምንጽብራቑን እዩ። ሕድሕዳዊ ምትእምማን ብንቕሓት ዝትከልን መዓልታዊ ምዅስኳስን ምጕልጓልን ዘድልዮ ህያው ዝምድና እዩ። እምነትን ሕድሕዳዊ ምትእምማንን ናብ ባህልን ልምድን ክሳብ ዝትከሉ፣ ናብ ባህረታዊ ጠባይ ሰብ ክሳብ ዝህነጹ ኣብ እምነትን ምትእምማንን ዝተመርኮሰ ናይ ነዊሕ ጊዜ ዝምድናን ተሞኵሮን ይሓቱ። ሽሕ’ኳ ባህረታዊ እምነትን የዋህነትን (ጕድለት ንቑሕ እምነት) ከይዳወሱ ምጥንቃቕ ዘድሊ እንተኾነ ብመሰረቱስ እምነት ኣዎንታዊ እዩ። እምነት፡ እምነት ይፈጥር። ክሕደት ድማ ክሕደት ይሃንጽ::
* ነቲ ዘይኣምን ኣይትእመኖ
*ተኣምንነቱ ዘጥፍአ ንኹሉ ኣጥፈኦ
*ኣብ ምእማን ተጠንቀቕ። ብፍላይ ድማ ኣብ ዘይምእማን
*ርእሰ እምነት ምንጪ ኵሉ እምነታት እዩ። እቲ ነፍሰ እምነት ዘይብሉ ንኻልኦት’ውን ኣይኣምንን
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
His Excellency President Isaias Afwerki
Isaias And His Friends In 1972 In Ubel |
Isaias Afworki was born on February 2,1946 is the first and current President of Eritrea, attaining thatstatus when he led the Eritrean People's Liberation Front to victory in May 1991, thus ending the 30-year old armed liberation struggle that the Eritrean people refer to as "Gedli".Afewerki joined the Eritrean Liberation
Front (ELF) in 1966, and the following year he was sentto China to receive more advanced military training. Four years later he was appointed commander in the ELF army. However, citing irreconcilable ideologicaland tactical differences, he and a small group of combatants separated from the ELF and founded
After Eritrean independence was achieved in 1991 and in 1993 after a referendum, Afewerki became the first head of state. During the first years of his administration in this new state government, the institutions of governance were structured and put in place. This included a top to bottom restructuring of the structures of governance by provision of an elected local judicial system to expanding the educational system to as many regions as possible. In November 1993 the President ordered the imprisonment of war-injured veterans for protesting about difficult living conditions in military barracks. The only independent human rights organization was shut down. In 1997 the President unilaterally ordered the closure of all international development agencies working in the country. Presidential elections, planned for 1997, never materialised and Eritrea remains a one-party state, with the ruling People's Front for Democracy and Justice the only party allowed to operate In May 2008 Afewerki announced that elections would be postponed for "three or four decades" or longer because they "polarize society.Also in 1998 a border conflict with neighbouring Ethiopia spiralled into a full-blown war; Afwerki turned down several offers of a peaceful settlement. In September 2001 Afwerki ordered the arrest of eleven of the highest-ranking members of his administration, many of them his closest friends and colleagues who had fought alongside him for nearly four decades. They were arrested for 'suspected treasons for selling their country and their people.
Sunday, 18 September 2011
7 Facebook Personalities To Avoid
Here are seven all-too-common Facebook personalities you should seek to avoid. At the very least, hide their posts from your news feed.
The Friend Who Is Full of Himself
“Modeling gig was incredible! Off to da beach house with ma homies!” I have no idea what does that mean but For some people, Facebook is a way to show the world just how hot they really are.These types of people spam Facebook with self-taken glamour shots of themselves so that everyone can see that they are, in fact, hot stuff.
The Friend Who Should At Least Try To Be Modest
“Porsche is in the shop…again! Thinking of upgrading this piece of junk.”That’s great and all, but we could really care less. Francis Bacon, an English philosopher once said, “The less people speak of their greatness, the more we think of it.”
The Friend Who Has 1,000 Friends Too Many
“Nate is now friends with Zackary Freeman and 34 other people”Research has shown that the more wall posts and friends you have, the more narcissistic you appear, especially when the content you put up is of a self promoting nature.Facebook not only feeds these people’s vanity, but increases the chance of Facebook scams, which take advantage of people’s inherent trust of the social network.
The Friend You Think Might Commit Suicide
“wondering about the day, it all went wrong…”This person rarely updates their status, but, when he or she does, says something to that nature.It’s in our nature to want sympathy and compassion, but getting it from a few likes on your status isn't going to make you feel any better.We all have our down days and the last thing people want to see in their own stressful lives is more stress, especially on a social platform they use to interact with their friends in a fun way.
The Friend Who Thinks His Life’s Daily Trivialities Actually Mean Something
“Breakfast today was delicious, going to be an AMAZING day!”Guess what? Nobody cares! This person deems it necessary to entertain us with mundane details of his or her life because he or she is oh-so-important.
The Friend Who Can’t Get Over a Broken Heart
“Maybe, it was never meant to be…”Every now and then you’ll have someone who has just broken up and feels it’s necessary to vent his or frustrations for the world to see.That kind of talk belongs in confidential conversations with one’s closest friends; friend lists on Facebook include a lot of casual acquaintances who really don’t need to know about breakup details. Ranting about it on the social network looks pathetic.
The Friend Who Has No Life
“Catherine just found some White Mystery Eggs and wants to say thank you!”Not only does spending time on random quizzes and Facebook apps look like you have way too much time on your hands, it annoys your friends whose news feeds are already cluttered.Facebook statuses should offer some sort of value to people who read them by being insightful, interesting, or funny. Share personal details of your life only with friends who have strong personal connections to you.A click of the mouse or typing of a few words may not seem much. But what you put on Facebook is remembered by your friends, family, and coworkers, affecting your relationships in real life
Saturday, 17 September 2011
It is a mistake of many people to believe that you either have self-confidence or you don’t. Just like any skill that can be learned and improved upon, your sense of self-confidence can also be improved. Employers are interested in self-confident individuals as they are more apt to produce high-quality work under pressure. A self-confident person believes in his or her strengths and abilities and does not become overwhelmed by low self-esteem and doubt. People who exhibit self-confidence do not seek the approval of others but are ambitious and seek challenges.Self-confidence is a character trait that is essential for success in any career. It can also be argued that a life experience without self-confidence leads a person to miss out on valuable opportunities. Think about the people in your life who exhibit quality self-confidence. These people are generally fun to be around, possess many friends and are often successful in their choice of career.
Self-confidence articles in this section assist an individual in improving upon self-confidence, avoiding overconfidence, the connection between self-confidence and career growth or decision-making. A self-confident person is a natural leader and strongly believes in his or her principles but is open to other points of view
Friday, 16 September 2011
What is love? It is one of the most difficult questions for the mankind. Centuries have passed by, relationships have bloomed and so has love. But no one can give the proper definition of love. To some Love is friendship set on fire for others Maybe love is like luck. You have to go all the way to find it. No matter how you define it or feel it, love is the eternal truth in the history of mankind.
Love is patient, love is kind. It has no envy, nor it boasts itself and it is never proud. It rejoices over the evil and is the truth seeker. Love protects; preserves and hopes for the positive aspect of life. Always stand steadfast in love, not fall into it. It is like the dream of your matter of affection coming true.
Love can occur between two or more individuals. It bonds them and connects them in a unified link of trust, intimacy and interdependence. It enhances the relationship and comforts the soul. Love should be experienced and not just felt. The depth of love can not be measured. Look at the relationship between a mother and a child. The mother loves the child unconditionally and it can not be measured at all. A different dimension can be attained between any relationships with the magic of love. Love can be created. You just need to focus on the goodness of the other person. If this can be done easily, then you can also love easily. And remember we all have some positive aspect in us, no matter how bad our deeds maybe. And as God said �Love all�
Depending on context, love can be of different varieties. Romantic love is a deep, intense and unending. It shared on a very intimate and interpersonal and sexual relationship. The term Platonic love, familial love and religious love are also matter of great affection. It is more of desire, preference and feelings. The meaning of love will change with each different relationship and depends more on its concept of depth, versatility, and complexity. But at times the very existence of love is questioned. Some say it is false and meaningless. It says that it never exist, because there has been many instances of hatred and brutality in relationships. The history of our world has witnessed many such events. There has been hatred between brothers, parents and children, sibling rivalry and spouses have failed each other. Friends have betrayed each other; the son has killed his parents for the throne, the count is endless. Even the modern generation is also facing with such dilemmas everyday. But �love� is not responsible for that. It is us, the people, who have forgotten the meaning of love and have undertaken such gruesome apathy.
In the past the study of philosophy and religion has done many speculations on the phenomenon of love. But love has always ruled, in music, poetry, paintings, sculptor and literature. Psychology has also done lot of dissection to the essence of love, just like what biology, anthropology and neuroscience has also done to it.
Psychology portrays love as a cognitive phenomenon with a social cause. It is said to have three components in the book of psychology: Intimacy, Commitment, and Passion. Also, in an ancient proverb love is defined as a high form of tolerance. And this view has been accepted and advocated by both philosophers and scholars. Love also includes compatibility. But it is more of journey to the unknown when the concept of compatibility comes into picture. Maybe the person whom we see in front of us, may be least compatible than the person who is miles away. We might talk to each other and portray that we love each other, but practically we do not end up into any relationship. Also in compatibility, the key is to think about the long term successful relationship, not a short journey. We need to understand each other and must always remember that no body is perfect.
- Be together, share your joy and sorrow, understand each other, provide space to each other, but always be there for each others need. And surely love will blossom to strengthen your relationship with your matter of affection
ETHIOPIA: TPLF not EPRDF against release of CUD leaders
The Tigrayan People's Liberation Front (TPLF) Central Committee on June 23 reluctantly approved the PM's proposal to release the prisoners, but forced a two-week delay in the announcement. This gives hard-liners in the TPLF, as well as those in the CUD, who oppose any deal with the PM, more time to "deep six" the agreement. Post urges no public statements during this sensitive period.
During a previously scheduled meeting of the central committee of the ruling Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) on June 23, PM Meles presented his plans to release the CUD detainees on the basis of their statement acknowledging mistakes and agreeing to uphold the constitution. During the meeting, Meles faced sharp criticism from the hard-liners of his own TPLF Central Committee, many of whom vehemently oppose release of the CUD detainees. They pointed out that a release at this point would amount to circumventing the judicial process, given that the detainees had been convicted, but not yet sentenced (ref
. They further noted that negative attention coming from American media, as well as from the U.S. Congress, makes any action at this point appear that the GOE capitulated to public pressure. In the end, after a prolonged debate, PM Meles was able to secure agreement from the Central Committee, but the apparent difficulty he faced in doing so is evidence that the TPLF is not the one-man show that some believe it is.
In order to secure agreement from the TPLF Central Committee to release the CUD detainees, PM Meles agreed that Ethiopia's High Court would first be permitted to complete the sentencing of those found guilty, scheduled to take place on July 9. Following that, the detainees who signed the document are expected to be released, and the GOE will issue a statement explaining the move. PM Meles asked Professor Ephraim to return to Ethiopia at that time, when the Elders are also expected to issue a statement on the release and the need for national reconciliation.
Meeting of Ministerial Cabinet concluded in the capital of Asmara
The meeting conducted deliberations on the issue of coordination of national economic and social development plans. Accordingly, it mapped out action programs regarding follow-up and coordination of national plan after conducting discussion on the contribution of projects set for implementation by various sectors, and the economic and financial contribution of such projects to Gross National Product and the success of major national plan; their role in meeting present and future demands of the general public and upgrading the living standard of the people; nurturing the spirit of self-reliance, job creation, introduction of modern technology and developing human resource potential; undertaking studies, gathering and processing information both at the individual, zonal and sector level.
Proceeding to the financial sector, the Ministerial Cabinet held deliberations on restructuring and plans of the sector, promoting efficiency in revenue and applying modern technology in the task, in addition to the accomplishments registered in expanding inland revenue offices. The meeting also held in-depth deliberations in the issue of budgetary plan.
Furthermore, the Ministerial Cabinet noted the Government’s effective implementation of development plans over the past 13 years, despite the numerous external economic conspiracies and constraints short of incurring excessive debt, besides the availability of limited resources. It further assessed that such an achievement played vital role in ensuring micro-economic stability, thus enabling Eritrea to become a nation with the lowest debt in Africa. The meeting subsequently decided that effective use should be made of available national resources so as to reinforce the pace of development programs, and thereby ensure sustainable economic growth. Likewise, the Ministerial Cabinet meeting conducted extensive discussion regarding the handling of international cooperation.
In the domain of education, the meeting assessed that the commendable achievements scored in the expansion of schools and participation of nationals in education. Nevertheless, it stressed the need to exert vigorous endeavors to improve the quality of education.
Moreover, the meeting held discussion on the tasks accomplished and constraints encountered regarding teacher training, publishing of text books and facilitating the supply of educational materials. It adopted resolution on mapping out effective strategy for the education sector to give due emphasis to seeing to it that the nation’s resources are put to maximum use through upgrading the level and quality of education, expanding technical and vocational training and increased resort to application of information technology, among other.
The Ministerial Cabinet thoroughly discussed the development of the study and progress for setting a task force responsible for designing the 5 year Strategic Plan, the document that elucidates the National policy of health and readjusting the organizational structure of the sector.
In addition, it conducted extensive discussion after evaluating in detail the proposed plan and budget regarding the establishment of efficient health system, ensuring the availability of health material and facilities, follow-up and control of communicable diseases, implementation of national vaccination programs, ensuring safe health environment, prevention of blindness, development of emergency centers, training of health workers, and the ongoing activities of producing medicines for local use and export.
The Ministerial Cabinet in its deliberation regarding Labor and Human Welfare during which it assessed the endeavors being made to help disadvantaged and non-privileged nationals, it deeply discussed its objectives and result in alleviating social problems. Noting the experience acquired in handling the volcano eruption in the Southern Red Sea region, the meeting discussed the importance of advance preparation in order to minimize the impact of future natural calamities. The Ministerial Cabinet also discussed 5 years plan focusing on the reduction of unemployment, assisting orphans get skill training through long-term loan and controlling the scope of social problems. It also endorsed the plan for conducting research on measures that need to be taken on the part of different sectors to ensure social justice.
The Ministerial Cabinet further discussed the action plan for ensuring the rule of law. The plan in this domain incorporates that of conducting awareness campaign to the public through media outlets and seminars, especially on basic civil and criminal codes. The Ministerial Cabinet also discussed plan pertaining to judicial capacity building, classifying the extent of authority as regards courts and enlarging the infrastructure facilities of justice institutions so as to ensure efficient and timely rendering of services.
In its deliberations regarding news and information activities, the Ministerial Cabinet closely assessed the political and civic tasks being carried out through media outlets and the arts in strengthening and reinforcing social values. Noting that the jamming maneuvers resorted to by enemy quarters attests to the strengthen of our media outlets, the Ministerial Cabinet held extensive deliberations regarding the investment that needs to be made in technological development of information networks of radio, television and newspapers so as to become competitive at global level.
In its discussion concerning diplomatic activities, the Cabinet of Ministers expressed deep appreciation and respect to the Eritrean people inside the country and abroad not only in foiling the illegal Security Council sanctions resolution but also dealing staunch rebuff to the cold war, besides defeating such forces, and the all-round economic, information, political and diplomatic struggle they waged against the same forces. Furthermore, the Cabinet of Ministers assessed the diplomatic tasks accomplished at the level of the President, Ministers, Ambassadors and other delegations towards promoting good-neighborliness for mutual benefit, ensuring regional stability, enhancing bilateral relations, creating the necessary groundwork for annulling the illegal and unjust Security Council sanctions resolution against Eritrea, and putting an end to the occupation of sovereign Eritrean territories. In connection with the outcome of the meetings held with the Security Council and the sanctions committee, the Ministerial Cabinet conducted in-depth discussion on future diplomatic activities.
In conclusion, President Isaias Afwerki gave directives for the drawing up of action programs for 2012-2014 in all sectors by the end of November, taking into account the worthwhile ideas put forth at the Ministerial Cabinet meeting. Thus, the two-day meeting of the Eritrean Cabinet of Ministers concluded.
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